Chapter 3: Natsuki Subaru Part 2

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As the sky starts to turn red because of the sun that's about to set, we were still waiting for a girl named Felt. According to the man that we met on the building that we're currently sitting on, she might have what we're looking for. The insignia, that belongs to a girl that we "supposedly" met.

Kids were staring at us while we were sitting on the stairs. "I guess, in any world, there are poeple with money, and people without. It sure is easy to see the difference here." Subaru said. 

"Yeah. But this place actually reminds me of some places in the Philippines, more accurately, some parts in Manila." I commented. It made Subaru stare at me.

"I'm actually curious, where do you live before, you know, Isekai happened?" Subaru asked.

"Well, before this, I was actually living in an apartment, it was pretty close to where my school was so I decided to move there, but I do come home in our house, where my parents were whenever the was a chance." I replied.

"I see." Subaru commented.

After a few seconds of silence, someone stopped right in front of us. It was a girl, she was short and had golden hair with a black bow. She was wearing a vest with black top underneath, with a red scarf, and black pants that are incomplete on the left side, she also had a belt with a sheath where a knife is. Is she... a loli? You can't blame me for assuming that she's a loli from the first 5 seconds that I saw her, she was short allright? How old even is she? But then my thoughts were interrupted when she spoke.

"Hey, you two, what're you doing there? You two are in my way." She said. Is she the one who we're looking for? Then my question was answered when Subaru spoke.

"Felt!" He replied. 

"You know me?" She asked. So she's Felt huh. Well this is certainly interesting.

"Of course I do! We've been waiting for you!" Subaru stated.

"What for?" She asked.

"Wait, so you don't remember me?" Subaru replied.

"Have we met? You know, I'm a busy woman, so unless they leave a huge impression, I don't remember most people I met." She said. If she doesn't remember Subaru, and if what Subaru said is true, then this confirms it. Somehow, he has the ability to fo back time when he dies, or to put it more simply, the Retry option, similar to how you can retry a level in video games.

"Well this confirms it huh Subaru?" I said to Subaru and he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess does." He replied, which made Felt confused.

"Huh? What're you two talking about?" She asked.

"Nothing." We both replied.

"Well forget about that. I want to negotiate for the insignia you have." Subaru said to Felt. It resulted in her giving out a surprised look before she grew a smile.

"Oh, so that's it huh? All right, I'll hear you out." She replied before giggling. That giggle was kinda cute to be honest. Then, she knocked on the door and the man responded. "For a rat..."

"Poison." Felt replied.

"For a White Whale..." The man added.

"A Harpoon." She replied.

"To the noble dragon lord, we are..." The man said.

"Shitbags." She replied. Then the door opened. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Old Man Rom. My target was more persistent than I thought. It took a while to shake them." She added. So the man's name is Rom huh?

Then we sat down on the stools again, and Old Man Rom gave Felt a what looks like, Milk? "Hey Old Man Rom, did you water down this Milk? It's gross." Felt commented.

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