Setting the stage

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*a dozen people standing randomly next to each other in the white room, all facing the direction of the mysterious entity*

*murmurs resound throughout the white room as everyone looks around the unfamiliar surroundings*

*Taegen jumps in shock as he spots Lady Caera among the crowd... furrows his brows when he looks at Ascender Grey who was standing next to Lady Caera!*

Taegen: "L-Lady Caera?!" *Runs towards Caera*

Caera: *Spots Grey standing near her* "Gr—" *freezes as soon as her real voice comes out*

Grey: *furrows his eyebrows as he turns his head to the side and looks at Caera* "Caera! What? How?!..."

Taegen: *reaches Lady Caera, along with Arian* "By the Vritras! Lady Caera, where did you go? Highlord Denoir has been worried sick. Highlady has been contacting your mentor to—"

*Ezra speaks up, gaining everyone's attention in the room*

Ezra: "W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? A-ARE YOU THE ONE WHO K-KIDNAPPED US!?" *pulls out his weapon with trembling hands and points at the mysterious entity*

*Grandbehl siblings all take stance as they flick their gazes between the Denoirs and the mysterious entity that had kidnapped them*

*Riah hides behind Ada*

Grey: (Wait, isn't that the bodyguards of Caera!? Why are they here? Regis ta—) *goes blank and face darkens as he doesn't feel Regis's presence inside him!*

Caera: *looks at Grey's horrified face and starts sweating bullets, before turning to her guards* "Taegen, Arian, how did you—"

Taegen: *shakes his head* "W-We don't know, Lady Caera. One second we were talking with the Highlord and the next a white light enveloped me—us...and when we opened our eyes..." *looks around before his gaze lands on Grey*

Arian: "Mr. Grey, what a coincidence to meet you again!... Do you have any idea...?" *he asks as he gestures around the room*

Grey: *looks at the bodyguard duo with thoughtful gaze before giving a sharp shake of his head*

Arian: *sighs* "I guess we can ask only one person then..." *turns around to look at the mysterious entity*

Taegen: *breaths heavily as his face turns red in anger* "Why the hell should we!? Let's get that bastard. We can't let anything happen to Lady Caera!" *takes out his gauntlets and wears them before cracking his knuckles*

Arian: *slaps Taegen's head* "Don't do anything rash. That—That guy's strong...let us wait till..." *points his chin subtly at the Grandbehl siblings who were ready to attack the mysterious entity anytime now*

Caera: *ignores her bodyguards and takes furtive glances towards Grey as she holds her blade in a defensive stance to the front* (What do I do!? What do I do if he finds out!? He doesn't look like he's figured it out...just maybe...I can escape)

Grey: *looks around the white room frantically* (Where the heck is Haedrig and Regis? Did the green haired ascender steal Regis and left? But—that's not possible...just where is...)

Alaric: *walks leisurely towards the mysterious entity with a bottle of alcohol in his hand* "So...who are you? *takes a gulp from the bottle*

*mysterious entity watches everything happening around the room with interest before turning towards Alaric*

Mysterious entity: "Oh! Its...Grey's "uncle"" *he laughs hysterically as he air quotes his last words*

Alaric: *burps* "Damn right I am. Now speak up, who are you? and why did you bring me here...I paid my damn money, for three bottles, and I got only one before I was brought here dammit!" *points his shaking finger at the mysterious entity while holding the bottle* "you—you owe me two pay up before I ask my nephew to kick your ass" *chugs his alcohol*

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