Chapter 2: 'The chimeras'

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God: "Okay, settle down everyone. Let us go to the new scene... Now most of you here would have already witnessed Grey's skills, while many of those would've questioned how someone can have abilities such as the ones that Grey have. Get ready to see what goes on in his mind, while he performs those—skills...especially when he's at the verge of his death."

*God's words' draws interest in many who already knew Grey, while the one or two that cared about him felt nervous to watch him fight while he's at his death*

"We'll cross together on three," I decided.
Regis nodded, positioning himself just behind the doorway. My heart thumped against my ribcage as I felt my senses heighten. I had no idea what we would face as soon as we left this 'sanctuary'.
"One. Two. Three!" I stepped through alongside Regis, ready for whatever challenges awaited. However, we were met in complete silence aside from the click and hum of the door closing behind us.
The marble floor underneath my feet was flawlessly smooth but unlike the circular room we were in before, this one was a long straight hallway with a ceiling that arched high above our heads with another metal door etched with runes on the other side. Two rows of sconces were lined across the patterned wall, illuminating the hallway in a warm natural light. On either side of us were giant marble statues depicting men and women armed with not just the familiar swords, spears, wands and bows, but also... guns.
Apparently, Regis was just as surprised as I was. "Are those..."
"Guns? I think so," I answered.

*scene pauses due to several inaudible murmurs from the crowd; God clicks his tongue, but stays silent*

Taegen: "You surely don't care to study about the Relictombs zones before diving in." *shakes his head in disbelief*

Regis: "It's not his fault. He's not so know about things here in Al—"

Grey: "It doesn't matter. You've already seen the Relictombs behaving differently in my presence. So do you think any type of study or information gathering would work?"

Kalon: "Grey is right. We witnessed it with our own eyes. In fact right we're stuck in a zone that I don't think others would be easily be able to enter. Our lives are at Grey's hand." *gives a bitter smile*

Ezra: *snorts* "He's a wimp. Playing with some stone cubes in hand. You think he can save us? Wake up brother! You're putting too much faith on a stranger."

Ada: "Shush, Ezra. Big brother Kalon is right. If it wasn't for Grey...we would've been stuck and be killed in the first zone itself" *shivers as goosebumps rises on her body*

Riah: *looks at Grey with curiosity* "Grey. What are...'guns'?"

*many others in the room was also curious about Grey's interaction with his "summon", so they turn to look at him for his answer*

Grey: *ignores their gazes and stares blankly at the white panel with a stoic face*

*suddenly a laughter is everyone shifts their focus on Regis who was laughing while eyeing everyone's curious face*

Regis: "Don't look at him, he's probably not going to answer. Princess...he is very humble, so let me answer in his stead. You can call him as someone similar artificer. He usually does it for his own good, whenever he needs money...or gifts—for his family. I'm sure you all would have seen the war ship—"

*suddenly a voice stops Regis's explanation*

Grey: *glares daggers at Regis as he yells* "REGIS! What the hell do you think you are doing?"

Regis: *shrugs his vulpine shoulders as he answers deadpan* "They are going to know—soon. So what's the point? This is very fun, isn't it?" *Ignoring Grey's still piercing gaze, continues* "Anyways... as I was saying, the 'toy'...that he called as 'gun' is something similar to what he had designed.... He may look dense, but he's really smart." *finishes in a mocking tone*

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