Truth Behind Scars.

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They all got up early, only to find out that Midnight gets up earlier. The young boy was in Pichu's workshop as it showed him something. His eyes scanned over it as he paused.

"act pak's Whaaat, yikai? . feila're temer... pelo alsroopa kaylay no wud..." He hummed as Pichu glanced at him. "alscon mas info bidom alsstrike, Yi kai yai yai, yikai! . pelo feila kaylay padpa lipdee..." Pichu nodded at that before the duo went out to the main room. The others paused at the main table before Midnight paused. Rednal chuckled.

"Getting used to the fact that there are others?"

"Last time there was only one person..." He shook his head before getting to the head of the table. "Ok... from what Pichu got for us from the... incident..." Pichu placed down some pictures. "This has basic knowledge of what they're after and a somewhat idea for how to stop it." Leanne gently took the pictures as he continued. "This isn't their first time to get ahold of such knowledge, but this is their first success. So we have to get this uncovered... before they complete it. From what Pichu knows, they're targeting Zapdos next." Rednal froze.

"It's impossible to get there. That island has lightning that'll strike anything in the area." Midnight waved the distress away like it wasn't a problem.

"Only if you're not fast enough." He then glanced at his brother. "If I can catch up to you in a few seconds, I can get through a lightning storm. That's not the problem. The problem-" He grabbed one of the pictures. "-is this." He passed it forward so the others could get a closer look at it. Parchment frowned.

"What's it mean?" Midnight purred.

"There are actually two Oblivias." They shared a confused look before he continued. "There's the Oblivia that you all will know. You can go outside and see it for yourself right now. But then there's the other Oblivia, the Original Oblivia. That Oblivia uses the same strategy regardless of time." He gulped. "The Original Oblivia isn't a public scene. You have to be lucky."

"So..." Parchment frowned. "I'm still lost." Midnight smirked before Pichu tapped a few keys on the computer behind the Top Ranger.

"Here's what we'll do. You guys stay here, I'll show you the power of the Original Oblivia."


Midnight was not kidding.

He first summoned something with his styler before he was suddenly racing through the air to the storm. He purred as he rested his hand against Latios's back. Pichu had gotten a skycam to watch as he reached the storm in seconds. He then tapped his styler.

"Alright. This is what I mean by Original Oblivia. Sure, this is one of few that can be dealt with by a source of the secondary Oblivia, but this is the true solution. Watch and learn."

He then silenced it before racing forward. With nothing but speed and precision, he was able to avoid many of the bolts that came down. One hit them, but it raced out as he was dodging another. He then frowned as he landed and let Latios race off. He tapped his styler before speaking.

"Ok... not that last one though-" Rednal clearly lost it as laughing followed. There was a remark made before Parchment spoke.

"Wait... so don't note that last motion?" He caught onto what she said before he responded.

"That won't be on the test." The others couldn't help but join Rednal in his laughter. Midnight smiled at the fact that they understood his humor before he continued forward. Towards the end he finally found the brat that had attacked him.

They didn't like him.

Just the brats in the weird armor almost took him out. He was thrown into a wall while Pichu snapped. The lightning it produced almost killed one if the armor didn't have some sturdiness. Midnight worked to stay awake while the purple guy, who had revealed himself as Purple Eyes (Oh, should've known!), was laid off by the true enemy. However, while the person used some kind of voice changer to hide themselves, Midnight was still able to identify them. Instantly, he summoned Latios before reaching out to the group.

"Oblivia Ruins. I need you guys there."

"I thought you didn-"

"Not the point. The real enemy has shown themselves! I need backup now-"

He shut it off before picking up speed. He was flying over So island in seconds before he landed and raced towards the ruins. Suicune helped him to the ruins before a mysteriously well known aura hit him and he collapsed. Pichu was at his side before he trembled.

"That aura..." Pichu paused as realization hit him.

The old Minister had that skill. The skill to not fully disappear when lost. He trembled as the thoughts ran through his head. Lisalia couldn't fight him without risking her title. He heard the others running over as he took a gentle breath.

"Midnight?" He gulped as he shakily got to his feet.

"Be careful... Someone dangerous lurks... let's go find these rats..." Malov placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a particular sense of reality.

"Midnight-" He pulled away instantly before pushing forward. He didn't have time for whatever she was considering.


It wasn't pretty seeing the opponent.

His formerly favorite allies; which were Edward, Kasa, Hocus, and Arley, taunted the group before activating the thing Midnight was rather hoping not to activate.

The Sky Fortress.

They pulled back to the base so he could practically release some anger onto himself.

"Cursed group of actors. If I had known this was going to happen, I would've shocked all of you already..."

The Minister had joined them as he kept grumbling away. Pichu, who didn't seem too worried about hiding anything, had stolen his styler and was working on at least three-four things. Parchment's eyes never left his scarf, which had shifted enough to reveal the many scars underneath it. Pichu finally made a comment, gaining the Top Ranger enough to subcounsciously expose him.

"Not my problem. That's already three things to deal with. Don't remind me." He then resumed his pacing before Parchment finally spoke.

"What's not your problem?" He paused before he answered.


He caught onto what Pichu attempted to do before shaking his head and continuing his grumbling and pacing. The Minister sighed. Midnight always did this, never wanting his pain to show and hiding big things. Midnight then stopped, almost frozen at something. Malov purred before she spoke.

"Midnight, if there's something we should know, now might be the time to say it." The ground trembled slightly before Pichu went to the computer. The sound that escaped it instantly regained Midnight as he went to its side. He gulped a little as he gently petted the Electric type.

"I don't think I have much of a choice anymore..." He pressed two keys before it went up on the big screen. Rednal froze while the others gasped.

Do Island was gone.

Three boats were currently rescuing the pokemon that were left from the attack. Pichu had climbed onto Midnight's shoulder as he let a shock loose. He quickly grabbed a paper before placing it on the table.

"Alright... we can discuss other things later. That group's getting shot out of the sky." He frowned as he scanned over something on his styler. He wrote some things down before he passed it around. "First things first, we need to test the waters with that fortress. Rand and Rednal, I want you two in the air for that. Then there are two things that need to get found. Parchment, I want you on that. Malov, you'll be with me to check two things. Everyone else should stay here and be ready for the next set of directions." They nodded as the group went out.

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