Chapter 1 (Friends)

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"Y/N can you please go outside and get something to drink or eat" My dad requested.

"But dad, I don't even know this place we just shifted here" I replied and my dad sighed.

"You can seek someone's help YN!
now don't be lazy and go. I have to unpack everything" he handed me the money and kicked me out.

The request turned into a order real quick.

Not having any choice I went outside to buy the stuffs.

I really like this place. Its not so crowded and not so noisy.
I was living in Kuala Lumpur but then my family had to shift to Rintis Island because dad got transferred here.
Shifting here was not really hard for me but it was very hard for my parents and my brother Kai.

Here I was wandering around searching for a shop not seeking help from anyone since I am too shy to ask for help.

When I finally decided to ask for help and encouraged myself that 'yes I can do it' a boy who was riding a cycle came and crossed the mud pit near me making the mud jump and stain my clothes.

"Hey!Are you blind?!" I shouted which made him stop. (Its not Adrien btw)

He turned back to face me with an annoyed look.
"Whats your problem?" He asked in a cold tone.

"You! Are you blind or what? You literally stained my clothes" I replied.
"Did I? How about you go back to your house and wash it on your own" he said and left from there.
"YAHH!! COME BACK!" I shouted but he didn't listened.

"Excuse me, can you help me please?" I asked a chubby man who had a mask on. He wasn't looking scary he was dressed like a superhero.

A fancy dress clown maybe?

"Oh dear, Justice helps everyone. What do you want you little child?" He asked.
"Umm I am actually looking for a shop who sells drinks and cakes etc" I replied.
"Justice will show you the best place. Lets head to Tok Aba's Kokotiam." He said and dragged me with him.

After walking for 5 minutes we arrived at a small shop named Boboiboy and Tok Aba's Kokotiam.

"What all do we get here?" I asked.
"EVERYTHING" A chubby boy around my age appeared out of nowhere and startled me.

"You startled her Gopal!" A girl with specs flicked his forehead.

"Hey, are you new here?" A girl wearing pink hijab asked and I nodded.
"Yea I shifted here today morning" I replied.

"My name is Yaya. Nice to meet you" she smiled.
"I am Ying and he is Gopal. Nice to meet you. Wanna be our Friend?" she asked and Gopal gave me a small smile.
"Sure!I am Y/N. Very nice to meet you all" I introduced myself and they smiled.

"And I am PapaZola friend of Justice and enemy of evil" The chubby man earlier introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you PapaZola and thank you for bringing me here" I said and he smiled.

"What is going on here?" An old man came and asked.

"Tok Aba meet Y/N. She is new here" Yaya pointed and I bowed to show respect.

"I am Tok owner of this Kokotiam" he introduced himself with a warm smile.

Must Protect.

Suddenly a yellow ball like flying robot came making me shock.

"Is that ball flying?" I asked and everyone chuckled.
"He is ochobot he is a powersphere and he helps me in running this Kokotiam along with my grandson Boboiboy" he said and I nodded still wondering how they have a real robot.

"Speaking of Boboiboy where is he?" Gopal asked.
"He went to deliver orders" he replied.

"Tok Aba I am your grandson's best friend aren't I? so won't you give me your special hot chocolate?" Gopal asked nervously.
"No" Tok Aba replied making me chuckle and Gopal sulked.

"Tok Aba can you please pack 1 chocolate cake 2 cupcakes and 4 hot chocolate?" I asked and he nodded.

"And I also want 2 special hot chocolate right here" I ordered and ochobot started making it.
Once done he served me 2 cups of hot chocolate and damn it looked so delicious.

"Here" I placed a cup infront of Gopal.
"Wait you bought that for me?" He asked and I nodded.
"Oh Y/N you are my best friend" he dramatically said and fake cried making Ying and Yaya Tch at him.

"Hey Gopal, I thought I was your best friend!" I heard a boy shouting.
I turned back and saw a boy wearing a dino cap. He ran towards us and flicked Gopal's forehead.

"Ow! Why are you guys so obsessed with my forehead" he said and rubbed his forehead.

"Huh? Who are you?" the boy asked.
"Hii, my name is Y/N, I shifted here today morning and I guess you're Boboiboy" I replied.
"Yes, I am Boboiboy nice to meet you Y/N" we shook hands.

"Why are your clothes stained with mud?" He asked.
"A rude porcupine headed guy stained them, he didn't even said sorry after that and acted like a jerk" I replied.

"He sounds like one" Yaya said.

"Y/N your order is packed" Tok Aba informed and I went to take it.

"Bye I have to go now" I said.
"Why so early?" Ying asked.

"I have to help my dad in decorating the house and my family members must be hungry" I replied.
"If you want we can help you in decorating your house" Boboiboy offered and Yaya nodded.
"No, its fine guys, thank you so much bye" I waved at them and they waved back.
When I came back home, mom scolded me alot because of my stained clothes. Its all that porcupine head's fault.

A/N- English is not my native language so, sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors. Please do correct me in the comments I'll edit it.
Thank you so much ^^~♡

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