Chapter 4 (Emotions?)

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"Huh? where are we?" Ying asked hiding behind the bushes.
"At Tok Aba's Kokotiam" I answered.

"Tok Aba's Kokotiam? Mom please come and save me" she shouted and hid behind a tree.
"Yay! Tok Aba's Kokotiam!" Yaya started laughing again.

"Mr.Gopal wants a hot chocolate!" Gopal shouted.
"Looks like Adudu attacked them" Ochobot said and Tok sighed.

"Hey!" We saw Fang coming towards us.

"Fang why are you looking so scary?" Ying asked and hid behind Boboiboy.
"Don't look at him Ying, look at ME. I am handsome" Gopal said.
"What's the point of being handsome if you are going to die one day" Boboiboy said hopelessly.

"Adudu attacked them with that pistol again" Fang said.
"Again?" I asked.

"Yea last time even Fang got shot by that pistol he became all bubbly and happy. He looked so hilarious, see I even have a picture" Ochobot said and showed me the picture.

 He looked so hilarious, see I even have a picture" Ochobot said and showed me the picture

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"HAHAHA" I started laughing.
"Hahaha" Yaya looked at the picture and started laughing like a maniac.

"Stop embarrassing me Ochobot!" Fang took that picture from him.

"Hehe sorry~" He apologised.

"So is there any way to make them normal again?" I asked and Fang nodded.

"We have to go to the boxy bunker" Fang said.
"Boxy Bunker?" I asked confusingly.
"Yea Adudu must be there" Fang replied.

"Come Boboiboy" Fang said.
"No Fang, you have to admit that we are hopeless and can't defeat him" Boboiboy said and slowly took a sip from Gopal's hot chocolate.

"I can defeat Adudu with just one hand" Gopal stated and dragged Boboiboy.
"Yay! Lets go to boxy bunker!" Yaya said and carried Ying in bridal style.

"I am going with them" Fang said and was about to go but I held his wrist.

"Huh?" His eyes widened and I swear I saw a faint blush on his cheeks.
I let go of his wrist and asked "Can I come with you guys?"

"No, it can be dangerous" He replied.
"Please I want to come with you guys" I said and pouted a bit making him sigh in defeat.

"Ok Fine you can join us but don't get into any trouble okay?" He said and I nodded.

Time skip (in the boxy bunker)

"Why is it so dark in here?" I asked.
"How am I supposed to know that!" Fang replied.

"I am afraid of darkness" Ying said started crying while Yaya laughed at her.

"This darkness tells us about our future. Our future is also dark" Boboiboy said.
"My future is bright like a tube light" Gopal stated.

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