Chapter 30 (Last Chapter)

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"Hey Y/N, I have something to give you" Yaya said and I gave her a confused look.

Please don't tell me that she is going to give me her horrible cookies.

"These are the confession letters I found on your desk that day." She said and handed me the letters.

"Didn't Boboiboy threw them away?" Fang asked.
"Yea, he did threw them away but I secretly kept since I felt bad for whoever who wrote this. Anyways, I am going to canteen now. Bye" Yaya replied and quickly left.

"Let's read your letter" I said and he quickly snatched them away.
"Whats wrong? Give them back!" I said and tried to get it back.

Fuck my height-

"I don't want you to read that. It was cringe!"
"Do you think I care!"

I kept trying to get it but couldn't.
I sighed in defeat and he just smirked.

"Huh Stanley?" He mumbled audible enough.
"Whats with Stanley?" I asked with a confused look.

"That bitvh also wrote a confession letter to you" He said and quickly opened it to see what he wrote inside it.

"Dear Y/N,
This is Stanley. I think you're very cute and I actually like you. Will you please go on a date with me?
From- Stanley" Fang read it dramatically.

"Pathetic" He said and threw the letter in the dustbin.

"Well that wasn't really nice Fang" I said and crossed my arms.
"Deserved" He rolled his eyes.

"Wait- are you jealous?" I asked with a smirk.

"Why would I be jealous? I am more handsome and smart. I am literally the definition of ~Perfect~. And plus I have more fangirls" He stated the obvious.

Well he just spitted Facts. But I still refuse to believe that he ain't jealous.

"Stanley's letter was nice tho. Might be better than yours" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"If thats what you think then here take Stanley's letter and go and date him" He said and handed me the letter.

"Hey I was kidding! Come back Fang!" I shouted but he was already out of sight.
"What was that?" Gopal came and ask.

"He is just jealous" I replied.

"Is it good or do I need to teach him some lessons?" Boboiboy asked while cracking his knuckles.

"Oh no no, Its fine. He is just like that" I replied.
"That used to be my line" Gopal said dramatically.

I don't want Boboiboy to die at this very young age.

~Time Skip~

"Students, for today's assignment you'll work in pairs." PapaZola said and everyone nodded.


Stanley was my partner.
For a reason I could feel someone glaring at me and I exactly knew who that someone was.

I turned to my right and saw Fang glaring at me. He was partnered with Nana.

Author's POV

Then all of a sudden Nana grabbed his arm and asked him a question with a very cringe tone.

Y/N just rolled my eyes in annoyance which didn't go unnoticed by the porcupine head.
He smirked when an idea crossed his mind.

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