Chapter 17 (Feelings?)

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We both took one step closer to each other. Fang leaned in and I closed my eyes. I felt his soft lips on mine.

He just took my first kiss-

I am sure the blush is clearly visible to everyone and I am also sure Kai is gonna make fun about it.

(Me being brown: wth is blush?)

But the kiss, it felt weird, it felt very strange. It was different from what I've seen in movies. Fang and my lips were just on each other we weren't actually kissing. But still it made me feel some sort of feelings.

After few seconds we broke the 'kiss'. I looked down not wanting him to see my red cheeks.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" Stanley said and went backstage with Iwan and Nana.

Fang and I fake smiled at each other.

"Oh man! After sweeping the floor I have to do the dishes too" Gopal fake cried.

"The End"

Time skip

"Mom! Dad! Here!!" I shouted and waved my hands.
They smiled and came to me.

"Meet my friends. Guys, they are my parents and this is my brother Kai" I introduced.
"Hii kids, nice to meet you"

"Good morning ma'am, I am Yaya and she is Ying" Yaya introduced and Ying bowed.
"Good morning ma'am, nice to meet you again. This is my friend Gopal" Boboiboy said and Gopal also bowed.

"Hey guys I bought ice cream-" Fang sudden came with Ice cream cones in his hands.
"You're the boy who kissed Y/N. Whats your name?" Dad asked nicely.
"Good morning sir, its Fang" he replied.

"So you're Fang. You know Y/N talks about you alot" Mom said making me choke on air.

The only time I talked about him was the day I had a panic attack when he helped me.

"You kissed my sister without my permission!" The 6 year old shouted.

"Umm" Fang rubbed the back of his neck. He looked very nervous.

"Oh thank you Fang for the ice cream" Boboiboy said and took all the ice cream and distributed it.

I sighed in relief.

"Here" he winked at me before handing me the ice cream.

I love this boy- wait not in that way.

I muttered a small 'thank you' and he just smiled at me.

"And this one for you" Boboiboy handed Kai his ice cream.
"But its yours" Kai said.
"Well now its yours" he replied and patted his head.
"Thank you" Kai thanked him and Boboiboy chuckled.
"You shouldn't thank me. You should thank him, he is the one who bought it" Boboiboy said and pointed at Fang.

Boboiboy then whispered something in Kai's ear. Kai giggled and showed him a thumbs up.

"What did you told him?" I asked.
"Its a secret" Boboiboy replied and Kai again giggled.

Something is really fishy.


Police Officer Kaizo😩Cr- yuki_kaizo on Instagram

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Police Officer Kaizo😩
Cr- yuki_kaizo on Instagram

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Lol jkk.

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