Chapter 21 (Confession Day?)

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"You know what day it is, right?" Boboiboy asked.
"Yea, Saturday" I replied.

"Not that, idiot. Today is confession day." He said.
"Confession day? Is it something related to valentine's day?" I asked.

"You can say that. Today you confess by writing letters to the one you like" he explained and I nodded.

"You should write one for Fang" he suggested making me choke on my saliva.
"I don't think its necessary" I said and he shook his head. 
"It is. Don't worry, I'll help you" he said and I sighed.

~Time Skip~

"Good morning guys" I greeted the gang and they all greeted back.

All! you know what I mean-

"I am so excited for today. I am sure I'll get a lot of letters" Gopal said excitedly making all of us laugh.
"Well I am excited too!" Ying exclaimed.

"I am pretty sure that Y/N will get alot of letters" Yaya stated making me chuckle.
"I don't think so~" I replied.

"But I am sure Boboiboy and Fang will receive tons" I stated making Boboiboy laugh a little.
"Obviously, they both are the most popular students" Ying said.

"Well Boboiboy is more popular than Fang" I stated making Fang glare at me.
"Say that again and I'll literally break your bones" Fang threatened.

Daddy chill..

"Well Y/N was just spitting a fact no need to be so rude" Boboiboy said and elbowed him.
"That wasn't a fact" He said and rolled his eyes.

~Time Skip~

"So what are you gonna write?" Boboiboy asked.
"I seriously have no idea." I replied.

Boboiboy was helping me in writing a letter for Fang.

"I don't think I should do this." I said.
"You will do it. I am here to help you" he said.
"But you're not helping me" I stated making him laugh nervously.

"Well how about we start from how he was a jerk to you but now you like him so much." He suggested making me sigh.

"Okay" I replied and started writing.

Few minutes later~

"I can't do it!" I shouted and teared the paper.
"I am going back to the classroom" I said and left.

The classroom was empty. No one was there except the quiet kid Iwan.

"Step aside" I looked behind, it was Fang. He lightly pushed me and took his seat.

I sighed and took my seat too.
But then a paper caught my attention.
I saw a letter on my desk.

Is it a confession letter?

From the corner of my eyes I saw Fang holding a letter too.

"Even you got a letter?" I asked even tho the answer was infront of me.
"Yea, you too?" He asked and I nodded.

"Dear Y/N,
I want to confess that I seriously like you alot. You're a dumbass but I still like you. Hope you'll accept my feelings. Sorry but I can't reveal who I am yet but soon I will.
Your secret admirer <3"

I mumbled audible enough for Fang to hear.

"Dear Fang,
I like you so much even tho you're a jerk. Hope you'll go on a date with me in future. I love you.
Your future wife I'll reveal myself soon xoxo <33" Fang also read it out loud enough for me to hear.

"Why are they not revealing themselves?" I questioned and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Its hard to believe that someone wrote you a letter" he said and laughed.
"Can't you just shut up for once" I said in annoyance and he just stuck out his tongue.

"Wait I know who wrote this letter!" Fang exclaimed.
"Who?" I asked.

"You!" He pointed out me.
"Me?" I shouted and he nodded.

"No one calls me jerk except you. You're just afraid thats why you didn't mentioned your name." Fang stated and I shook my head.

"As if! I can literally say that you are the one who wrote this letter to me because no one except you and Boboiboy calls me a dumbass" I stated and Fang rolled his eyes.

"It must be Boboiboy then" he pointed out and I shook my head.
"No, he was literally with me all the time." I defended.

"Come on, that boy can split into 3 and literally everyone thinks that there is something fruity between you two." Fang said.

"Whats fruity?" I asked and Fang sighed.

"You're literally dying to go on a date with me." He stated and I shook my head.
"I am n-"

"Since I pity you so much like seriously no one would like to go on a date with a dumbass. I will go on a date with you, I'll text you the time and place, you better not be late" he said and left the classroom.

What the hell just happened?-


F in chat for poor Fang

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F in chat for poor Fang.

Cr- widzilla on DeviantArt maybe well that's what watermark says.

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