Chapter 26 (Kidnapped)

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"So how was your weekend?" Boboiboy asked.
"Boring. Whole day I just used my phone and did my homework." I replied.

Sorry Boboiboy, but I'll not reveal that Fang and I are dating. Maybe after few days I will.

"Mine went pretty boring too" He said and I nodded.

"Hey Boboiboy, by any chance you saw any confession letter on my desk?" I asked and he gulped.

"No, I didn't." He replied.

"Oh okay then." I sighed.
"Why something happened?" He asked.
"Yea but let it be now." I replied and entered the classroom.

"Good morning~" I greeted and they all greeted back.
I quickly took my seat and glanced at my boyfriend Fang who was staring outside the window.

"Teacher is coming!" Amardeep announced and PapaZola ended.

"Everyone stand up."
"Good morning Father of Justice"
"Good morning Father of Justice" we greeted.
"Good morning kids now sit down." PapaZola greeted back.

"First of all I want to return your answer sheets of the test you took" he said and few students gulped.

"GOPAL!" PapaZola shouted making Gopal gulp.
"Congrats you've passed the test. You got 54 marks!"

"What for real? How is this possible?" He asked making me chuckle.
"Even I don't know. I was shocked too." PapaZola replied.

"Yes sir" I raised my hands.
"Congrats you've came 3rd" He said and handed me my answer sheet.
I got 92 out of 100.

(If only I was Y/N (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ). My math sucks)

"Yes sir"
"You got 87 marks, you can do better" PapaZola said and handed him the paper.

"You scored 94, you can do better too"
He said and handed Fang his answer sheet.

"I am smarter than you, dumbass" He smirked and I just stuck out my tongue.

"Let see who will come first in next test." Ying said and they both glared at each other.

"Congrats Ying!"
"Congrats Yaya!"
They both hugged each other making me sweatdrop.

PapaZola then handed everyone their answer sheet. Fortunately, everyone passed.

"Now, I have an assignment for everyone. You have to work in pairs and submit it in 2 days. Understood?"
"Yes sir"

"Sir!" Stanley raised his hand.
"Can we choose our own partners?" He asked and PapaZola shook his head.
"No you can't I've already decided everyone's partner" He replied.

"Now listen carefully, Ying and Yaya, Boboiboy and Fang, Amy and Amardeep, Y/N and Gopal, Iwan and Stanley...."

~Time Skip~

"Gopal, you wanna do the project at my house?" I asked and he nodded.
"Okay, then lets go!" I exclaimed and started walking towards my house.

"Hey Y/N, do you like Fang?" Gopal asked making me cough a little.
"No, I don't." I replied.

I love Fang.

"Wait for real? Please tell me you're joking"
"I am not kidding. I don't like Fang" I replied and he fake cried.

"I did everything so my FangY/N ship could sail"
"What everything you're talking about?" I asked.

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