Chapter 5 (Die)

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I'm guessing that it's slightly weird that we've had such a long break away and the suddenly BOOM! Chapters! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this mess that I am presenting to you in the form of words :)


Patton sighed in content as he crashed onto his bed. A gentle hand found its way to his neck, playing with the short hair there. A soft smile formed on Patton's face as  he turned to look at the boy sat next him. God, he was perfect in every way, from how his hair  was slightly slicked back to the way his glasses sat on his nose.

Logan put his book down and pulled Patton close to him, breathing in the familiar honey scent of his hair.
"You okay?" He asked.

Patton hummed, " Yeah, just thinking about Roman."

Logan raised an eyebrow, "Damn, thinking about other men are you?"

Patton slapped Logan's shoulder, laughing,  "No! I was wondering what happened to him, when we asked earlier he didn't sound sure of himself. Seemed like he was hiding something, you know."

Logan remained silent, thinking , gently combing his hand  through Patton's hair. "What do you think really happened then?"

"I don't know, but I know that he wasn't hit by a ball, I mean, he went home!" exclaimed Patton.

"Yes, however hard it may have hit him, it is very unlike Roman to leave school in the middle of the day. "

Patton just nodded, snuggling closer to Logan, "We'll see how it goes. If he wants to tell us, he'll tell us."


Remus grimaced at his brother. It was ridiculous really, how sick he'd become. It'd never been like this before, they were affected on the night, never during the lead up. "Dude, go to bed."
Roman shook his head, " No can do, we have to go out tonight, I'm not having a repeat of last month."

Remus winced. They'd been stupid enough  to think that they didn't need to leave the house, unfortunately that was not the case. The house was completely trashed, all of their curtains ripped and ornaments smashed. Their parents were not pleased in the slightest. "Okay, we'll go out but text Virgil and Janus, makes sure they know we're out."

" Yeah, yeah, will do," Roman took out his phone and soon a notification appeared on Remus' phone.

                                                                                   We Ain't Normal

Princey: Remus and I are going out tonight  just a warning

EmoNightmare: Okay

EmoNightmare: Be careful, don't want you dying on me

Princey: Awwww my chemically imbalanced romance cares ;)

EmoNightmare: I won't hesitate bitch

Snekboi: ANYWAY

Snekboi: Call us when you're up again

Dukey: Added to the list

Dukey: It comes right after turn into an ugly beast  :D

Snekboi: I wish you could see the eye roll on my face

Remus snickered as he put his phone down, no longer bothering to pay attention to what was being said. He turned to Roman, his grin turning into frown as he saw his finger nails turn into claws. He could feel the fangs growing in his mouth, ripping away at the flesh in his mouth. That was going to sting in the morning. " We have to go, like now." He said gesturing to Roman's hands. As the words left his mouth he could see his brother's face disappearing before him, being replaced by that of an animal. A beast.

A look of panic briefly flashed in Roman's eyes as he pocketed his phone and sprinted out of the room to the front door. As they ran down the streets to the woods a light coming from the trees caught Remus' eye. A glance told him that there was at least a hundred people gathered under the branches. A look told Remus who they were.

"Fuck." He said quietly, slowing down. Roman turned around when he no longer heard his brother's footsteps. " Roman, it's the night of the Faerie Feast."

"Oh shi-"

Finished: 08/02/22


I tried to make this longer but I guess long chapters aren't my calling. Also there's no way I could beat Phobia's word count. I'm not novel material.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and good luck as I pass the baton to the Ginger Fringer :D


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