Bodyguard! Levi x Singer! Reader

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The song is called Tip Toes by Jayme Dee

"Boy you came like a hurricane."

I pointed my mic to the crowd as they sang the next line.

"Knocked me down like a tidal wave!"

I grinned and stared at the fans in thebceowd who sang with me whilst crying or screaming my name. They had no idea who was behind these words. I looked around the crowd as a smile was painted on my face.

Levi Ackerman was the man behind the words. I had been having relations with him for a while, yet before-hand, I hated love.

"Always thought love was such a hoax. Throwing shoes at my radio."

The crowd yelled, "Why?"

I grinned and closed my eyes.

"Crazy love songs made me so sick. Couldn't stand them and now they all click!" I sand, snapping my fingers, searching for the mysterious man.

Levi was also my body guard, so dating him was easy to conceal.

"And the reason is this, this, this; I feel like I'm about to fly."

My (e/c) eyes finally met grey ones, making me grin. He stared up at me from the crowd, making me blush. He winked as I continued to sing the song.

"Hey boy, got me on my tip toes. Dont stop, kiss me and away we'll go!" I sang while winking and singing right back at them. The lights were making me hot, sweat beading slightly on my forehead. Thank goodness this is my last song of the night. As much as I love singing, I can only do so much especially with Levi staring at me like that.

"Can't shake it so elevated. Take me anywhere the wind blows! Don't stop, love the way to make me float..."

I held my hand to the sky as the song came to a short close. "Right up off my tip toes!"

A gun shot was heard and I froze.


I fell to the ground as people rushed out of the building. My eyes were wide as I tried to feel if I was bleeding. I wrapped my hands over my head as I felt someone stand over me. I peeked up between my arms and saw Levi standing with his gun in his hand, looking into the crowd.

His eyes widened as he yelled, "Five foot eight with blonde hair, wearing a jean jacket and white shirt in row fifteen!"

I hear someone respond to him as Levi holstered his weapon. He looked at me and said, "Are you hurt?"

I looked down and saw that whoever shot at me missed. I shook my head, quite thankful. Levi said, "Then let's get you out of here."

I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck as he picked me up. I groaned in pain and spotted that my leg was bruised. Levi saw the bruise on my exposed leg and said, "Tch, you lied."

I shook my head and said, "N-No! I swear I didn't know it was there!"

He studied it as he walked off stage and said, "It'll be an easy fix. It doesn't look like you sprained it, but we'll get you to the hospital just in case."

I nodded and hid my face in his neck. I kissed it, making him flinch. He swatted my shoulder and said, "Damn it, stop it!"

I smirked and kissed his neck, making them longer. He moaned quietly as we walked through the hallway. "Fuck the hospital."

I laughed and nibbled his ear. "No..."

I ran a hand through his hair and whispered, "Fuck me."

He opened the door to my dressing room and threw the door open. He closed the door and pressed me against it, wrapping my legs around his torso. His hands ran to the hem of my shirt as he pressed his soft strong lips against mine. I moaned as his finger ticked the area just above my waistline.

He licked my bottom lip and I allowed him access into my mouth. His tongue traced every inch of me while slowly unbottoning my short shorts. My hands went to his cravat that he wore religiously and slowly pulled it off. I set it aside and worked on his buttons.

He pulled away and pressed his lips against my ear. "Please excuse me, I don't mean to be rude. But tonight I'm fucking you."

Levi X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now