Levi x Injured! Reader

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I screamed as my leg snapped in two. I glance down, seeing the femur poking out of my skin. I cried loudly as I heard my comrades call my name. I felt cold as my blood poured from the wound in my thigh, not bring able to move. I studied the cloudy sky, trying to feel myself calm.


I moved my head and saw Captain Levi jump towards me on the roof. He landed gracefully as always and leaned over me. Fear clouded his eyes as he stared at my leg.


His grey eyes couldn't turn away from the red-soaked area. I called his name again, knowing he was in a full-panic attack.

I yelled, "LEVI!"

His eyes snapped towards me, his body jolting. He knelt down and panicked, "I need to get you to Medic!"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not able to move, Levi. Your best bet is to flag one to me and defend our position. We're not going anywhere anytime soon."

He shook his head and said, "You'll bleed out by then, (Y/F/N)!"

I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. He looked at me with tear-flooded eyes. His grey eyes seemed to turn blue in sorrow. His body was rigid and he was incredibly tense. I sighed and said, "All right, but we need to make a stint for my leg."

He nodded and looked around. He looked back at me and turned up his nose. "What the hell am I looking for?"

I sighed and said, "Something long and strong to put against my leg so it won't move."

He nodded and sprinted from my body.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as my vision began to cloud. "(Y/F/N)?'

I opened my eyes to see Petra, Oulo, Eldo and Gunther surrounding me. My eyes widened and I cried, "No! I can't leave Levi!!"

Petra offered me a smile and said, "Your not leaving him. We just want you to give him a message for us."

I sobbed as everyone's arms wrapped around mg body. Oulo whispered, "Tell him he needs to find a suitable Lieutenant."

Eldo nodded and said, "He needs to stay strong."

Gunther rubbed my back and said, "Remind him you are there for him, always."

Petra pulled away and stared deeply into my (e/c) eyes. She smiled and said, "Tell him not to feel guilty. He couldn't help what happened."

I nodded and saluted them with ease. I closed my eyes and felt a jolt go through me. I opened my eyes to see a white cloth over my head. I blinked and saw posts around my bed. I squinted as nurses and doctors miled about the area whilst trying to figure out where I was. I looked at my leg and saw a tight cast around it.

I sighed and felt relaxed. I'm just at a hospital tent.

"Lieutenant (Y/L/N)?" A soft voice called. I blinked and looked to my left. A pretty blonde Cadet sat at my side, holding a cup if water. I smiled and sat up. I groaned as my leg moved against the bed sheets and rested against the pillows. The small cadet adjusted my pillows as I sat up and handed me the water. I drank it slowly, wanting to savor it in my dry mouth.

"Captain Levi is currently coming to see you, ma'am."

I smiled and looked back up the the tent's ceiling.

"That man..."

"We need to make sure you haven't got gangrene in your leg, so we need to run another test." The Cadet explained.

I nodded and said, "Alright, do what you need to do."


After many hours, I found myself on a walk around the camp. I came to a turn, and found what I had been looking for. The raven-haired man stood there, his back towards me. Unaware of my presence, I smiled and whispered his name. "Levi..."

I saw goosebumps cover his neck as he looked up. He grey-eyed leader turned towards me, his green cloak flying around his muscular body. His eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted. He spun on his toe and made a mad dash towards me. I smiled as he enveloped me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I though you were dead, (Y/N)!" He fussed.

I rubbed his back as he held me. I pulled away and replied, while staring in his eyes, completely captivated, "I'm not going anywhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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