SURVIVOR: 1 - Levi x Reader *Somewhat Lemon

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I looked up from my bed, staring at the ceiling and attempted to memorize the pattern of the cracks in it.

Today, I trained with the Special Operations Squad, and we were leaving for the expidition in a few days. I couldn't help but feel an itching feeling that it would be a while before I see them again. I blinked the tears away and sat up, looking out of the window across the room. The strap from my nightgown slipped of of my shoulder slightly as I stood.

I walked to the window and stood in front of it, watching the sun set slowly over the horizon. I threw the window open and leaned out of it. I smiled as the warm breeze blew across my face, making me shiver. I heard a knock on my door, and I turned.

"Come in."

The door opened, revealing Captain Levi.

I raised my eyebrows, wondering what he was doing here. "Levi?" I asked.

He looked at me and closed the door behind him softly. He blushed as he saw what I was wearing and shifted his gaze away from me respectfully. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were dressed this way." Levi apologized.

I laughed and walked up to him, pressing my hands to his chest. I put my lips against his ear and said, "It's okay. I've been waiting..."

He blushed, making me pride swell. I couldn't believe after all Levi and I have been through together, he still had integrity. I tilted his chin towards me, and his gaze shifted back to me. His eyes softened as he tilted my chin up towards him. He brushed his lips over mine, and his other hand laid limp at his side.

I rested my hands on his chest, slipping the buttons through the holes, taking his shirt off. He made no motion to stop me, and instead helped me take his shirt off. I stared at his exposed chest, running my hands up and down it. He buried his face in my hair, moaning. I smiled sweetly and kissed his neck. He trailed his lips across my neck, making me shiver, and made his way to my lips. He still didn't kiss me, but he hovered.

His hand ran down my thin nightgown and to my lower back. I linked my fingers in his short hair and brushed his locks out of his face. He stared at my lips, but didn't dare to move. He whispered, "When we survive...I..."

He blushed and closed his eyes some. I stared at him lovingly, tracing circles over his abs. He pressed his forehead to mine, struggling with his words. "I want..."

I looked at him curiously, smiling still. I cocked my head to the side, brushing my lips over his. "What do you want, Levi?"

He gulped and whispered, more quietly than before, "I get married to you."

I blushed and thought about it. I loved how he said "when we survive" and not "if we survive." It proves he has faith that I'm going to survive, and that he has a drive to as well. He wants me, and only me, he's making that very clear now.

I nodded and said, "I'll marry you in a heartbeat."

He finally pressed his lips to mine, the force of it knocking he and I onto the bed. I gasped as he pulled away, hovering over me. I blushed, feeling exposed and vulnerable as I lay motionless on my back. I stared at the corporal, who was just staring into my eyes. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine once again.

I moaned as his hand went under my gown, tracing my hips with his thumb. He swiftly threw my gowm over my head and whispered, "I'm all yours tonight, (Y/F/N)."

I smiles and whispered, "I'm all yours tonight, Levi."

Levi X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now