the backstory..chapter one

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⚠️TW: mention of murder, abuse, and weapon's⚠️

It was the year 1999 we're Audrey Osborn and Oliver Osborn we're in the Cleveland hospital at 1:35 in the morning where their baby boy was born..Jasper Osborn..after birth Oliver Osborn starting getting..mouthy to say the least.. the year 2002 where jasper was just three years of age is we're Oliver Osborn started beating Audrey Osborn.. and just as Jasper grew older his father started drinking(fast forward to the year 2005) That late Saturday morning is we're changed.. "WELL AT LEAST I WAS ACTUALLY LOVED!!" Jasper Osborn had yelled at his father "...YOU LITTLE SH•T!!!" Oliver Osborn had grabbed Jasper by his hair and threw him in the bathroom and locked him in there. "LET ME OUT YOU PIECE OF SH•T!" "NOT UNTILL YOU APOLOGIZE FOR YELLING AT YOUR FATHER YOU MISTAKE!!"

A/N: if this is getting a to intense stop reading and save it(if you would like) and read a different book or watch birds or listen to your favorite songs I am getting anxious writing this.😥😅

Jasper slid down the door and tucked his knees in his chest and set his head down and started crying "why...why us...why me..?" He quietly sobbed to himself. It had been a few hours and Jasper had finally escaped the bathroom and he quietly walked to his room then he heard a loud bang come from the living room he ran downstairs to see his mother and sisters laughing at his now dead baby(sadly only four) brother and his father with a green bottle and it had a..tint of red...that is what pushed jasper over the edge. He made his way into the kitchen and grabbed a his dad's gun and went back to the living "" His sister, mother, and father jumped at how deep and venomous his voice was.. "you..KILLED HIM!!!" "He deserved it" his father calmly said back "DADDY WATCH OUT!!" his older sister called out but it was to late.. Jasper had pulled the trigger two times..his father was for sure dead.. "Y-YOU MONSTER!!!!!!" hi mother and sister called out "AT LEAST IM NOT THE ONE KILLED A FOUR YEAR OLD!!" and the he pulled the trigger about ten times on his mother and sister..they were dead.

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