Sentenced..chapter two

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⚠️TW: Mention of blood, and cursing⚠️

After the police came to check the crime scene they had found out who had done it. "Jasper why you'd do it?" The detective asked "they killed my little brother..he was only four..." The detective was shocked to find this out. "Alright..but you will still half to go to court.." "okay." Was all that was said
~•epic time skip•~
They were all at the court house. "Jasper woods. You sad that they killed your four year old brother correct?" "Yes your honor." "Then you killed them out of?" "Anger." "Alright. Well in this file here it says that you have 'ADHD, Anxiety, and schizophrenia' is that right?" "Yes sir." "Well since your just a child and have mental problems I will have to send you to the smith Grove Sanitarium up in Illinois" "okay sir." "The court case is over" the judge had said.

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