moving in.. chapter three

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Before I start I just wanna say that the playlist above is NOT mine it belongs to a person named 'kenkills' on YouTube and I highly request you go check her/him/them/it out thanks for reading and if you didn't then that's okay!
Jasper's pov

It's been f•••ing years since I have seen the outside world...hell I'm...hell I don't even f•••ing know how old I am...I wish Jacky(his four year old brother) was still here..but turns out my nurse(Mrs.Mears) said I was gonna go to Roswell I think it was..yeah Roswell's the first time in years since I have felt a little sad..I like Mrs.mears..she's a really nice lady..

Author's pov

Jasper had heard his number being called so he went to the front of his cell door and it opens. It was his nurse! "Hello jasper!" "Hey Mrs.Mears.." "it's sad your not gonna be with us anymore..but it was really fun while it lasted!" "Mhm.." "welp we better get going" "yeah..I guess" "don't be sad sweetheart.." "okay Sam.." Samantha(his nurses real name) smiled up at him and placed the hand cuffs on him and looked up at him.

" Samantha(his nurses real name) smiled up at him and placed the hand cuffs on him and looked up at him

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"I'm gonna miss you Sam.." "I'm gonna miss you to buddy.." and just like that something was injected into your neck "gah?!" You looked at Samantha looking betrayed "don't take it personally Hun. We can't have you freaking out."

She looked at you with worry and truthfulness. "Just relax" you have never been this betrayed by anybody since your parents...
Finally got it done!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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