~•the time schedule•~

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7:00 AM__wake the patient's up
7:10 AM__ showers
7:20 AM__relax untill breakfast
7:40 AM__breakfast time
8:00 AM__outside time
8:30 AM__relax time
8:40 AM__back to the cells
9:00 AM__ gym time
9:30 AM__back to the cells
9:40 AM__check up on patient's to make sure none of them have escaped or sick
10:30 AM__group therapy
11:00 AM__get to know y/n(separately)
11:40 AM__back to the cells untill lunch
12:10 PM__lunch time
12:40 PM__roam around the building (with guards)
1:10 PM__sports(soccer, volleyball,etc)
2:00 PM__art class
2:30 PM__sculpting class
3:00 PM__back to cells
3:30 PM__swimming class(for those whom don't know how +Jason is not)
4:10 PM__readibg class(something that y/n made up himself✨)
4:40 PM__writing class(something that y/n also made up himself✨✨)
5:00 PM__mini snack
5:10 PM__nap✨(just because ✨)
6:00 PM__dinner time
6:30 PM__rest inside of cell
7:00 PM__hit the hay(lights out)
A/N sorry for not posting in a while but here!
Have all of my affection!!


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