3. Friends and Families

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Hi guys. hope you enjoy it. love ya...

Levi's POV

I came straight to the bathroom. As soon as I get in, I break down and start crying. That fucking bastard. Who does he think he is? I was still shaking because of his pheromones. I'm gonna get back at him. Just sit and watch.

I cursed at him for a while. After I got a little calmer, I washed my face and got out. Thank god it wasn't that obvious that I cried. I took a glass of wine and looked around. It was a very big house. Everyone was partying and having fun. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. "I missed you so much Levi." "I give you 3 seconds to let me go or I make this ceremony into your funeral shitty eyes." She laughed and let me go. I turned back and looked at her. It was Hanji, one of my best friends. She was a beta. Next to her, my other best friend, Erwin, was standing. He was an alpha. He looked at me and smiled. "How you doing Levi? Long time no see." he said. "Good. Every thing's good." I lied. Of course everything was not good and that's because of that fucking alpha. Erwin looked at me like he always do; with love. I don't know when it started, but it's been a long time that he keep asking me to mate him and let him mark me. He is one of the greatest alpha that I have ever met. He is kind, brave, caring, sweet, protective and I love him a lot, but just as a friend. I don't love him in that way, but I don't wanna ruin our friendship so although the way he was looking at me was bothering me, I didn't say anything. "Ok Levi let's go to others" Hanji said then pulled my arm and went to another big room. I swear someday I'm gonna kill her. I saw my other friends across the room. Isabel, Furlan, Oluo, Gunther, Mike and Eld. I sat next to them and we started talking.

"I guess a lot of people are gonna ask Levi. Levi you should choose all of them." Isabel said. "What? I'm not gonna choose anyone tonight. And are you crazy? You can only have one mate. How am I gonna choose more than one person?" I protest. I saw everyone were looking at me with confusion. "Levi you know how the choosing ceremony works, right?" Furlan asked. I looked at them weirdly. "Oh my god. Levi? Tonight omegas are not gonna choose a mate. Every alpha gives a letter to the host of the ceremony that contains the name of the omega that they like. After that, it's like this: for example 10 people asked for you, but you like 5 of them. So you choose those 5 to be your mate candidates. After that, those 5 should try their best to please you so you choose one of them as your mate." Hanji explained. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, that's why I told you to choose everyone. They are gonna bring you expensive gifts and beautiful flowers every day and do whatever you want." Isabel answered. "My mom told me she chose my dad a whole year after the choosing ceremony. She said you don't know how many gifts I received." Furlan said and then start laughing. The others laughed too.

I thought about what they said. I really don't know what to do. Should I choose mate candidates? I just came here to meet that fucking brunet, but turned out he is an asshole. Should I just leave? Ahhh, but I don't wanna choose my mate like this; I wanna fell in love. But what if I fell in love with one of the mate candidates? Just like Mikasa said. Well it's not like I have to choose a mate between the candidates. So there is no harm in choosing the mate candidates, Right? Ahhh I don't know.

My mom's voice brought me back to real world. "Levi sweetheart. Come here, I want to introduce you to our friends." I turned my head and looked at her. I grabbed my glass of wine, nod at my friends and went to my mom. She brought me to another big room. I saw Uncle Kenny next to some other old people. We reached them.

"Levi sweetheart these are Reiss family. They have a daughter name Historia. She is an omega too" I looked at them with cold expressions and nod my head for respect. Then my mother point at another people. "And these are Yeager family. Carla and Grisha." So they were that bastards parents, huh? I nod my head for respect. "Oh my god. Is this Levi? I heard a lot about him. He is indeed beautiful." Carla said with a big smile. "Oh thank you Carla.  Eren is so handsome too. I heard a lot of good things about him from Mikasa" My mom said. What? Mikasa knows the asshole alpha?! I looked at the parents, Oh my god they were laughing, blabbering and thanking each other. I think I'm gonna get sick. I couldn't handle their stupid chattering anymore, so I excused myself and left.

I went to another room. There were some sofas in the corner and there wasn't a lot of people. I went there and sat on one of the sofas. I relaxed and continued drinking my wine that I saw him. He was right across the room, leaning to the wall. His hands were in his pockets in his pants. He was staring at me with a playful smile on his face. What the hell are you thinking to do Eren Yeager?


so what do you think?

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