14. A Good Day or A Bad Day?

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Love ya.


Levi's POV

We were on the bed. I was in Eren's arms, my head was on his chest and his hand was around my waist. "Are you going to kill me if I say I want another round?" Eren asked. I looked at him with dead serious face. He chuckled and put a kiss on my lips. "Kidding! Let's go wash up and have lunch." He said. Oh right, I came here in the morning. Shit! God knows how many servants heard me screaming. I shook my head to get rid of the thought. Who cares?! "Fine, let's go" I said and sat up. I looked around the room. "To be frankly, I don't like your room." I said.

Eren talked while sitting up. "What? Why not? It's ..." he suddenly froze. His eyes were wide open and looking around the room. "Shit!" he suddenly jump off the bed and start wearing his clothes. "Hurry, put on your clothes. We should go upstairs." He said worriedly. "What are you doing? What happened?" I was confused. "This is my older brother, Zeke's room. My room is upstairs." He answered.

I rolled my eyes with frustration. How can he be that stupid? He was always act so cold and carless which made him cool and hot. But now that I see his real personality he is cutter than I thought. I get off the bed and started wearing my clothes. He went to the windows and opened them all. He grabbed a towel and moved it up and down in the air. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "I'm trying to get rid of the pheromones in the room." He said. I looked at stupid alpha silently. "What?" he asked. "We have been here since morning. The bed is covered in our cum. You really think you can clear the room just by moving a towel?" I said emotionlessly.

"Do you have a better idea?" he asked.

"Yeah. Burn the room." I answered.

He rolled his eyes and I smirked. He toss the towel aside and grabbed my hand. He opened the door and led us out. "Slow down Eren. I can't walk properly." I said. "Sorry baby. Come here." He said while opening his arms. I went to his embrace and put my hands around his neck. He put one hand under my legs and the other around my waist. He carried me to his room, upstairs. We were in a hallway that he stopped. I looked over to see why? There was a servant bowing to Eren. Eren started ordering him. "Go to Zeke's room and clean the room. Change all the blankets and towels. Get some servants to help you too. My brother is gonna be home soon. Hurry." The servant bow again. "Yes sir." Then he ran downstairs.

Finally Eren stopped in front of a door and opened it. He put me down and closed the door. I started looking around the room. Everything was in gray and blue. It was so beautiful. "Is this your room?" I asked. "Yup" he said. I could say he was curious to know what I think about it. I smiled, I decided to not mess with him. "It's beautiful." He smiled. "Why gray and blue?" I asked while sitting on his bed. He put his hands in his pockets and looked down. "No reason. It's just ... it's just my favorite color." He said nervously.

"Really?" I asked. He sat next to me on the bed. "Yeah. It used to be green and gold like the color of my eyes. But a few years ago I changed it to this." Eren said. He was staring into my eyes with a beautiful smile.

I looked him in the eyes. He leaned in and put his lips on mine. We started kissing passionately. He put his hand on my knee and slowly slid it up to my thigh. I knew his intention and if I let him, he would want more and I really hadn't got that energy so I stopped the kiss.

"By the way, thanks for the gifts. They were amazing." I tried to change the subject and distract him. "Yeah, my dad was going to almost kill me when he saw the bills." He said in a funny way. I started laughing hardly. You should have seen his face. He looked so cute. He was staring at me with a smile. "What?" I asked while smiling. "Nothing... just... I never saw your laugh. It's beautiful." He said. "Of course it is. It's my laugh, it should be beautiful! Just like every other thing about me." I said with a wink. He laughed. "Spoiled much?" he said. I was going to say something that I suddenly heard some shouting.

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