15. The Prince

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Levi's POV

Ahhhh God!! I'm frustrated. It was two days ago that I found out The prince asked for me and believe me, these past two days were as awful as hell.

Uncle Kenny sees it as a great opportunity for us (and by us he means himself) to become royalty! So he thinks I should immediately choose the prince as my mate and marry him as soon as possible.

My mom still wants me to choose Erwin so her stupid suggestion was for me to run off with Erwin to another town!

Mikasa was fighting with both of them believing that Eren is the best choice and asked me to mate him in secret so I'll be marked and other alphas or betas can't have me!

Believe it or not, nobody, I emphasize, NOBODY cared for my opinion. And to be honest I really have no idea what the hell should I do! I haven't seen Eren or Erwin since the news. My mother hasn't let Eren to visit me and Uncle Kenny did the same with Erwin.

And now here I am, in the great hall of the palace, waiting for the royal family. They send me a carriage this morning as they said. My mom and Uncle Kenny are here as well. They were walking in the room looking at paintings of the Kings on the walls.

I looked around. There were columns in the side that were carved in the shape of lions. By each column there was a guard, standing still. Don't they get tired?!

I looked away. There were three similar golden thrones in different sizes on the dais. I think they belong to the King, Queen and Prince.

I was in my own thoughts that someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around. There was a male beta in a formal white and gold uniform. I guess he was a commander or something. But in second thought he is young to be a commander or else. He was quite handsome.

"Yes?" I said.

"It seems, unlike your family, you are not fascinated by the paintings of the kings?" he said with a little smile on his face.

"Yeah, kings... they were born, lived, killed a bunch of people and died. How fascinating!" I said with my usual cold expressions. He chuckled.

"You are funny." He said. I raised my eyebrow. "Funny?!" I asked.

"Yeah, why? You don't like it? Want me to call you dead cold and scary?" he said playfully. "I prefer dead cold and scary." I said with a wink at the end. He laughed.

Is he flirting with me? I guess he doesn't know I'm here because of King's order. I think I better to stop. I don't want him to get in trouble. He seems nice.

"Hey listen..."

"I can't believe you are here." He said calmly with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" I asked with confusion. "I'm Porco Galliard..."

"The prince!" I interrupted him.

My mind was blank. I didn't know what I should do or what I should say. He showed me another smile. "It seems that I surprised you." He said. I bowed my head. "Sorry for not recognizing you sooner your honor. Actually I was expecting you would enter with the King and Queen from that big golden door, not like this out of the blue." I said. He chuckled. "Even in apologizing you are proud and stubborn." He said.

I looked at him. I was going to ask him a question that suddenly the golden door opened and the King and Queen came in. My mom and Uncle Kenny came forward next to me and bowed. The royalties sat at their thrones. The prince did the same as well. The royalties seem calm and nice. They all had a smile on their faces. The king stood up and started talking.

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