5. Jealous Levi, Jealous Eren

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Levi's POV

We were going back to the main living room to sit and hang out. My friends were ahead and I was following them. I was still thinking about what happened there with Eren and how he left. I didn't want to upset him. Actually I was a little bit regretful about what I did to him. I shouldn't have released those pheromones. I could have instigate his rut and if he lost control and did anything to me, he was the one who would be punished. I was in my thoughts that I heard someone's voice. "Stop it."

It was Mikasa. The voice came from the hall. There was a long hall in the right with a few bedrooms. I got worried so went into the hall. There were some voices coming from the last bedroom. I went to the bedroom and opened the door. Oh my god! I rathered to put two knives into my eyes than see that. Mikasa and Annie were completely naked, having sex. My face clenched in disgust. "What the hell Levi?" Mikasa yelled and immediately covered Annie and herself with the blanket. I covered my eyed with my hands and yelled at her. "What the fuck are you doing? Why did you two even came here tonight?! You could have stayed at home and do your shit over there. Oh my god." I didn't let her talk and closed the door. I exited there as fast as I could. I took a glass of champagne from the table to drink, hopefully to forget what I had just seen. I looked around and saw my friends siting on some sofas. I joined them.

"Hey Levi, isn't he the one who was with you in that room?" Isabel said and point at somewhere. I followed the direction she was showing and there he was. In about 6 meters (about 18 ft.) away from us, were another set of sofas with other people, including Eren Yeager. He was sitting on a single sofa with a glass of wine in his hand. One of his foot was on his other foot and he was listening to some people who I guess were his friends. He looked upset and not focused I guess. I looked away from him and answered Isabel. "Yeah, he is." "Ohhhh, Isn't he Eren Yeager? The famous handsome dominate alpha. Did we caught you in a bad time? say... in the middle of some romantic situation?" she said with a smiley teasing face. I looked at her with cold expressions. "Shut the fuck up Isabel. Hanji's stupidity is enough for me to deal with. Don't be another shitty friend please." She laughed and didn't say anything. "But seriously is something going on between you two?" Furlan asked. I was getting impatient. "No, there is nothing going on between us. Just drop it." They didn't continue and started talking about other things. I turned my head to look at Eren. He was looking at me. I didn't know what to do. We were looking into each other eyes. I could sense it, he was upset and a little bit angry. He looked away from me. He looked at a blond girl. "Hey Historia come here." Eren said. Historia? Isn't she the Reisse's Daughter. Eren opened his arm and shake his fingers towards himself. A huge smile came on her face and she ran towards him. I frowned. His friends were talking in joy.



"So he can show some affection towards an omega! I honestly thought you are incapable, you know... sexually." The horseface guy said, then he started laughing.

Eren showed him his middle finger. Then Historia went and sat on his lap. Eren put his hand around Historia's waist and kissed her neck. I couldn't stop looking at them. I was clenching my fist. I didn't like what I was seeing. His friends screamed with happiness. "Well, I think we all can guess whose Eren's gonna ask for, tonight." The bald boy said and then everyone clapped their hands and cheered with laughter. Eren didn't say anything. I looked away. I couldn't look at them anymore. My breathing was unsettled. I was mad. I don't want him to touch or kiss another omega. I don't want him to even care about another omega.

I don't like him or anything like that, I just... I just... I don't know. Maybe I do like him. Maybe... Ahhh. I was frustrated. I looked at them again. He was holding a glass of wine. His other hand was still around that whore (He means Historia) and she was kissing his neck. That bitch. I looked at Eren. He was looking at me again. There was anger in his eyes. Is he doing this on purpose? Is he taking revenge because I released my pheromones like that? I was even sadder. I think I made him to hate me. I looked down. I couldn't look at him anymore.

"Hey." I looked up. It was Erwin. He was standing next to me, holding two glass of orange juice. When did he left?! I took one of the glasses and thanked him. He shook his head and sat right next to me on the sofa. I leaned back on the sofa and started drinking my juice. "Hey, if you need comfort, you always have my shoulders." I think he sensed my sadness. I smiled at his offer, placed my juice on the table and put my head on his shoulder. I could feel his calming pheromones. He release just a little bit, so nobody find out. I closed my eyes and let his pheromones to calm me a little.

I didn't know how much time it has past. I wasn't mad anymore, but I was still sad. I was in my thoughts that suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up hardly. I opened my eyes. There it was, Eren's angry face. It was fucking scary. He start to walk and dragged me with him. I was scared and didn't know what was happening. I could hear Erwin and my friend's Voice behind me. They were following us. I guess they lost us into the crowd.

When I was starting to understand the situation, I tried to free myself. "What are you doing? Let me go." He didn't answered. "Hey, I'm talking to you. Where do you bringing me. Heyy." He didn't respond. I struggled again, but he tightened his grip on my arm. "Hey." I yelled. He stopped and looked at me with an angry face. Then he looked around and brought me to the bathroom. He opened the door, pushed me in and then he got in. I saw him locked the door.

I looked at him. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He came closer and pushed me against the wall. My back touched the cold wall. He put his both hands on each side of my head on the wall and embrace my feet with his. He leaned in and looked me in the eye. "Release your pheromones." he said. "What?!" I said with confusion. "I said release your pheromones." he was getting impatient. What the hell is he talking about?! "What the hell are you talking about? Why should I do that? Let me go." I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him. He grabbed my hands and pinched them into the wall on each side of my head. "You are covered with that fucking alpha's pheromones. I don't like you walk around smell like another alpha. So either release your pheromones or I'll release mine." He said.

"It's none of your business how I smell. Why should it bothers you? You are nobody to me and it shouldn't concerns you. Now let go of me." I said while struggling. He was getting angrier. He leaned his face in. He looked directly into my eyes. "I'm nobody to you huh?! Well then let me introduce myself. I'm Eren Yeager, your future husband and alpha, and as your future alpha, I don't like you to hug that fucking alpha or accept juice from him or put your head on his fucking shoulder. Understood?" He said with serious face. Did he just said future husband? There were butterflies in my stomach, I didn't know how I should react.

Then I saw something on his neck. It was a hickey. I remembered how he hugged and kissed that omega and let her to kiss him like that. I was getting upset and mad again. I started struggling. "Let me go, you fucker. Go and be that blond omega's future alpha whom you let to leave a hickey on you. I like Erwin's smell on me. In fact I'm gonna choose him tonight. And it's none of your business." I was talking and struggling that I suddenly felt frozen. It was it. It was his pheromones again, but this time a hundred times worst. My knees got weak. I was shaking. My whole body was hot. I couldn't breathe. I was scared. I couldn't even move a finger. His pheromones were getting more and more. My eyes were slowly getting closed and then everything went black. I faint. 


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