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I WOKE UP, DAZED AND UNCOMFORTABLE. Just like always. The bed sheets were tangled with my legs, allowing me no easy escape. I grunted as I kicked away the sheets and freed myself. I slapped the table and located my phone. I picked it up and saw that the time was 10:32. I hummed as I scrolled through my notifications. I raised an eyebrow.

"Five missed calls? Who the hell wants to talk to me?" I flopped back onto the bed as I called the unknown number. I was half hoping for a prank caller, that would be entertaining. It took three rings for the person to pick up.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously, aware that I had a morning voice.

"Hey! Are you that bartender that helped me out last night?" A high pitched voice exploded, making me recoil. My ears made me hear the other girl twice as loud then normal people. Now I was awoke and shook.

"Uh, yeah. Howdy?" I reply, unsure of what else to say. I heard ecstatic chatter from the other end.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come over today! Don't worry, I'm not drunk yet." She laughed. I gave a small chuckle. The key word being 'yet'. I almost groaned at the thought of socialization

"I have nothing else planned. Same place?" I ask, almost regretting my choice. A happy squeal came from the other end.

"Yep! See you soon!" I clicked off and threw my phone on the bed. I grabbed one of my pillows and held it to my face.

"Ah fuck..." I whine. Mistakes were made. I get up from my bed and walk over to my drawer. I throw my good clothes on the bed and start to change. I wore a army green hoodie with a  white tshirt over it with black shorts and high top shoes.

I trudged on towards the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I saw V laying on the couch watching his phone. I walked over to him and leaned over the couch to see him. I crunched my apple as I looked at him.

"Nice crounch Y/N." He grinned, looking past his phone. I gave a smile as I chewed.

"You know it. Also, I'm yeeting myself outta here soon."
I announce taking another crunch. He perked up and put his phone on his chest, stopping whatever he was doing.

"What's the occasion, because you know, I'll attend a funeral with you." He asked, giving a smirk. I gave a shrug.

"We can gate crash a funeral later, I'm meeting with a... friend..?" I stumble, unsure of the weight of the word. He sat up and gave a big goody grin.

"You're bluffing-You're just as antisocial as me." he cooes, his arms crossed. I pushed him back by his forehead.

"No, I'm not, V. You can come and I'll show you." I groan. His face squishes up, as if he just ate a lemon.

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