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Shoes hitting the concrete, I walked through the park. Not the safest place, but I just felt like taking a stroll through here. Looking around, I noticed more dried blood on the slide than usual, the swings being thrown over the top if the bar so much that you couldn't even reach it anymore. I gave a chuckle as I walked over to it, seeing the chains wrapped over the bar so much that the seat almost touched the top.

Ten bucks to a kid that could get that unwrapped.

I meandered away, hands in my pockets as I kicked a stone that had been in my path repeatedly. In a sense, this had been the beginning, where I had began these weird few weeks of strange events. I kicked the stone again, only for it to hit a pole, scattering away from me. Frowning, I looked up, watching a group of kids run around, throwing rocks and such at each other in an unsafe game of dodgeball.

I turned down a path, ideally wanting to avoid them, but a sharp cry made me turn my head. A kid had been nailed with a rock in the head, hard, and all his buddies laughed at him.

"Come on, Detri! You're fine, you wimp."

"Yeah! Stop being a wuss."

They taunted the poor boy, who was just lying on the group, hands to his head as he tried to hold back his tears. A boy scoffed, turning around to walk off.

"Whatever, come on." He huffed, the three other boys following as they gave a final glance back before jumping the small fence to get out of the park. I ran over to him, looking like he couldn't have been more than six.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" It was an obvious question, but I didn't know what else to ask him. Sniffling, he looked up, wide caramel eyes gazing up at me. He shook his head, trying to wipe his tears.

"N-No... A big rock hit me." He spluttered, rubbing his head. I frowned, gently pulling his hand away to see what had happened. Clear as day, there was a large graze on the top of his head and it was starting to bleed. Humming, I stood up, still leaning over as I held out a hand to the boy.

"I know you're not meant to trust strangers, or whatever, but let's get you some help, okay?" I smile, giving a soft tone of voice. He hesitated before standing up, meekly taking my hand.

"Am I going to die, miss?" He asks as we walk, his voice small and scared. I shake my head.

"No, of course not."

"How do you know for sure?" I hum as I think. Glancing down at the blue haired boy holding my hand, I give a smile.

"Well, if you live, we'll go for ice cream. Deal?" He glances back up at me with stay a in his eyes.



Both of us turned, staring curiously in the direction of the shout. I raised an eyebrow when I saw that the voice belonged to Tzuyu, the girl wearing her usual dark blue tuxedo as she hung over the waist high fence of the park. I gave a small wave towards her as we began walking to her, the boy cowering behind me slightly.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here." I reply earnestly, placing a hand on my hip and a smile on my face. "What's up?" She gives an incredulous look, shifting from both me to the much smaller boy.

"This place is extremely dangerous! Why are you here?!" She shouts, chopping her arms up and down. I sweat drop before nodding the boy, walking towards the girl.

"I was on a walk when I saw this lil' dude hurt." I looked down at the boy when I said this, and then looked back up to Tzuyu. "You know where the nearest hospital is?" She looks alarmed, but then nods.

"Of course. It isn't far from here." She glances down the street and then back to me, nodding her head towards the direction of the facility. "I'll guide you! Let's go."


"Well," Tzuyu started, walking back from the front desk. "Your friend is going to be in great health!" She gave a grin and a thumbs up, reassuring me. I gave a chuckle, nodding as we exited the hospital.

"Thanks for that, I owe you one." I hummed, giving her a sideways glance. "Actually, why were you at the park? I wouldn't assume you to be anywhere near there." I ask, watching as she adjusted her glasses, giving a sheepish smile.

"Ah, well, I had just finished an errand, so, I thought it would be wise to take a shortcut, per say, to get home." She replied, "I'm happy I did, otherwise I wouldn't have seen you." She added quietly. 

Raising an eyebrow, I looked over to the girl, who had stopped in her tracks and had a hand clamped over her mouth whilst her face burned pink.

"I-I mean, I just missed your company?" She stuttered, quickly jolting her hand stiffly to her side. I gave a giggle as I placed my hands on my hips and looked up at her .

"Well... I missed your company as well, Tzuyu." I chirp, trying to not help her embarrassment. She paused before giving a small smile. Glancing away, she took a deep breathe and then looked at me, adjusting her glasses.

"Y/N, I have something to tell you, and I'm afraid I cannot hide it any longer." I listened intently, a million thoughts racing through my mind as I silently urged her to keep going. "I-I, well, I have feelings for you, not in the terms of friendship, you see..."

Another pause.

"I believe this feeling is love, so, I love you, Y/N! But! With homo!" She said proudly, a wide grin adorning her face as her cheeks were a flush of pink.

I blinked, allowing the sentance to sink in. I chuckled, and then I burst out in wheeze, giggle fits, the whole shebang. I held my knees as my stomach started to hurt.

"T-Tzuyu, oh my god, you're so perfect." I say in between laughs, snorting occasionally. Standing up straight, I wiped my eyes of tears and gave a real smile towards the girl, who was just watching in a state of confusion. "I feel the safe way, you goofball. So, I love you too, Tzuyu." I leaned forwards and planted a kiss on her cheek before wrapping my arm around her neck, with myself standing on my tippy toes.

I felt her reciprocate my actions, wrapping her arms around my waist as she nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck. After taking in one another for a few seconds, I pulled away, and motioned to the hospital we had barely walked away from.

"I still owe a kid in there an ice cream, care to join us?" I say, watching her nod as she glances back. 

"I think that's a great idea!" She exclaims, turning back, "and then, we can go to the office and tell everybody. I-If you're okay with that, of course!" Shooting her a smile, I nodded.

"Sounds good, I'd love to show off my new girlfriend." I gave a giggle as she blushed once more, the title sinking in. She slowly nodded while rubbing her chin with a finger, looking down slightly.

"I... like the sound of that. Yes, it sounds perfect!" She raised her eyes to meet mine, clearly beside herself with happiness. "Then I am proud to call you my girlfriend!" Laughing softly, I took her hand and raced towards the hospital, tugging her along.

"Then let's go!"

-Take note: you'll have an ending with every member, so you wouldn't be disappointed if you end up with the other members.

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