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RUNNING A HAND THROUGH MY HAIR, I WALKED HOME, TUSSLING THE BLACK LOCKES INTO THEIR NATURAL LOOK. The night had broke into morning, and in a couple hours, the sun would break the horizon. The streets were quiet for once, which was nice. You learned to block out all the pollution and constant chatter after awhile

The street lamps shone with a dull intensity as I walked down the street, my shoes making small thuds. My ears abruptly twitched, picking up the smallest trace of noise to my right. I peeked down an alleyway, trying to notice anything.


I shrugged, disregarding it's a rat or some sorts.

Something wrapped itself around my leg, making my skin crawl. I shrieked as I kicked, trying to free myself. Around my leg was a lasso of sorts made of a crimson liquid that could be recognized from a mile away.


"Let go of me! Motherfucker!" I cried out in vain, the chance of someone hearing me and actually helping me was as likely as me waking up early. Willingly.

The liquid snaked up my leg and wrapped itself around my knee. I tried to jump backward, but my knees gave out and I fell backwards.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I was dragged into the alleyway, trying to grip onto anything I could. Unfortunately for me, there was nothing to grab onto. As I screamed, a flash of blue ran past me, making the blood slice in half.

I didn't question it as I quickly got to my feet and backed up, hands up in case something we're to come out. I was about yell something into the darkness when I felt the wind slam though me.

And just like that I was being carted away in the arms of someone.

I looked up to see a chiseled jaw line and glasses. We stopped abruptly, and I could feel her grip tighten a little on my thigh and waist.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Tzuyu asked, her eyes fixated on mine. I gave a grin as I reached up and hugged her neck.

"My hero! You saved my fucking ass! Thank you, Tzuyu!" I cheered, clinging to the girl like my life depended on it.

"N-No worries! I-I'm glad I came in time!" She stuttered. I was placed on the ground, allowing me a good look of her blushing face. I couldn't help but give an internal 'aw' at her shyness.

She slowly put me down, letting my shoes hit the concrete. I turned to smile at the taller girl, who now had her hands shoved in the pockets of her trousers.

"I was just on my way home. You probably know just how dangerous these streets are."  I scratch the back of my neck before turning on my heel. I gave a wave over my shoulder. "I'll see you later Tzuyu, thanks again!"

I gave a smile before turning around and walking.

"Wait!" I heard the pounding of shoes on concrete and saw a dark blue suit appear on my right, matching my walking pace. "It is late, so I shall accompany you home. You have no right to refuse!"

I let out a short giggle at her eagerness.

"Of course. Is it cool if I ask you a question?" I ask, giving the lady a side glance. She gave a smile.

"Please, ask away!" She beamed. I gave a nod, folding my arms over my chest, as if to block the cold winds buffeting me.

I jumped as a jacket was placed over my shoulders, the warmth transferring itself to me. I looked over at Tzuyu to see a warm smile on her lips.

"I... thank you." I mutter, hugging the jacket closer to me.

"Its no problem! You looked cold, and it's what any gentlemen would do." She seemed to be very proud of herself, the radiant smile evident. "Anyways, your question?"

"Oh yeah. I've been thinking about it for a long time." I stopped walking, now facing Tzuyu directly, her blue irises focused on mine. "Why did you choose the life of a criminal? I mean, you're just so sweet and proper. It just doesn't make such sense."

I put a finger to my chin as I stared up at the girl, watching her expression. It seemed... sad, like she was hesitant to say something.

"I... That is hard to say. Whilst I haven't committed anything major, you are correct: my career choice is indeed poor." Her solemn frown abruptly turned into a small smile.

Her gaze lowered to the sidewalk, her hands leaving her pockets. "The main reason was so I could be stronger. For myself and my friends. You see, a criminal...murdered my brother. After that, I was never the same." She glanced up to me, her eyes glassy and her smile sincere.

"I needed to stand up to myself, to be someone bigger in this hellish world. I'm not on the right side, nor the wrong side. But I'm glad to have made that choice."

She stood taller, looking up with somewhat of a renewed hope. I gave a sad smile as I stepped forwards and hugged her, taking her by surprised. She hesitated, but returned the hug, holding me tight.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Tzuyu. But, I'm glad you're doing better now." I let go and gave her a smile. She readjusted her glasses and nodded.

"Your support truly helps. Thank you." She nodded towards ahead, matching my stride as we walked.

---???'s POV---

Chou Tzuyu. You are weak. She makes you weak. She makes everybody weak. She makes you reveal your past, your pain, your suffering. If I could just get my hands on her... I could make them all fall to my feet like dogs.

Dogs begging for their treat.

A low cackle left my dry throat as I watched the two walk away. I noticed the taller girl's hand fidgeting by her side, perhaps thinking about holding her beloved.

This plan... Will bring death and blood to both gangs.

Now all I have to do is get her.

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