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Taking the advice of my purple haired roommate, I went outside to take a walk. There were so many thoughts drilling in and out in my mind, that I was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate. The amplified noises of the city streets weren't helping much either. Frowning, I veered down a side street trying to out walk the noises buzzing in my ears.

Of course, it wasn't the safest option, but in any case, I always had the gun that Mina gave me. Shoot and run would be the plan, unless my attacker had a metal manipulation quirk or something along the lines of a shield quirk. In that case, I would most likely be in trouble."

Shoving my hands into my pockets, I exhaled a heavy breath, letting my tense shoulders relax. Although dangerous, the side streets were definitely quieter than the main street. I stepped out onto the main road and immediately shut my mouth, wincing as smoke lingered in the air from the nearby factories. This was the business district of the city, or in other words, where you come to get free cancer.

Glancing down the sidewalk and through the busseling people, I raised an eyebrow, seeing something familiar. Not peeling my gaze anywhere else, I began to walk towards it, zipping through the crowds.

"Oh yeah? Well what'cha think 'bout a big ol' fuck you, greenie." A man snickered, the two guys parked behind him also chuckling. I was about to walk over there and interrupt when I saw the smaller gurl pull out an object. I paused, taking a moment to apprehend what was happening.

"Mock me, and I assure you will not be around to tell any more insults, sir." Momo spoke sternly, the greenette holding her gun, cocked and presumably loaded pointing at the three men, who looked surprised as they slowly backed away. The ringleader just growled before slipping a cigar in his mouth, grumbling something inaudible, but sounded like a curse.

"Fine, fine. We're just leaving, ain't that right fellas?" He grumbled, not looking at his two companions as nodded soundlessly, both looking particularly agitated. Without another glance, the trio walked away, hands shoved into slacked jeans and backs hunched over slightly.

The greenette, on the other hand, looked particularly pleased and relieved as she sighed. Clicking the safety back on, she slipped the gun back into its holster underneath her belt. With a smile, I walked up to her without the girl noticing.

"You seemed to handle yourself well."

Momo whipped around, making what resembled a squeal as her eyes briefly widened. She relaxed upon realising it was me and gave a sigh, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Ah, Y/N, you-startled me." she breathed, smiling at me as she lowered her hand. "I-um- they w-we're on our territory, so, y-yeah." She stuttered, stumbling over her words as if they were foreign.

Giving a suspicious grin, I narrowed my gaze at her. "You alright? You seem a bit jittery." I comment, watching as she fiddled with her fingers while shifting her weight constantly.

"M-Me? N-Never been better, haha." she trailed off, her laugh dissipating quickly. I sighed before shrugging, stepping closer.

"You can always tell me, Momo. I am here for you, really." I gave a smile, trying to calm the girl, but I seemed to have only made it worse. She blushed a pink, looking down as she toyed with her fingers.

"I'll, uhm, tell you over lunch..?" she said slowly, as if the concept was new to herself. I gave a shrug, deciding it would be good to have breakfast.

Due to the amount of bullying going down in the L/N and Tae apartment, I forgot about food, which was rare, and walked out without a second thought.

"Yeah, that sounds great. You got anywhere in mind?" I ask, walking beside the green haired girl. She gave a nod and pointed towards the main road.

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