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"number 10!"

On monday, everyone was preparing for the upcoming festival.

People from other schools would be coming too, it was public and since our school was one of the biggest in the district, it was popular.

For gym, we did track races. I liked running so it was fun for me.

Usually, Niki would make fun of me during lunch for no reason at all. Today, he didn't seem to acknowledge my presence at all.

I really don't know what i did, he's been avoiding me since yesterday. Even though i let him sleep over, he's being weird.

He doesn't avoid me unless we had a really bad fight, and that doesn't happen that often. I'd understand why he's avoiding me but this time, i really don't know what i did.

I felt bad so i decided to confront him later. Maybe after school or sometime soon.

"I heard you and Jina hung out with your crushes." Garam smirked teasingly.

Jina nodded, "Yeah, all they talked about was basketball though."

I pursed my lips, staring down at my necklace that my dad gave me.

"What about you, Sena? How was it?" Garam asked, noticing i was silent.

I looked up, "Huh? Oh, it was fine. I guess." i muttered.

Jina rolled her eyes before slapping me on the back, "Miss confidence over here didn't talk to him at all, she's such a liar." She said sarcastically before shifting her direction towards me, "You said you talked to him but yesterday you were so awkward."

I sighed before giving up, "Yeah, i didn't talk to him."

Micha gasped, "Why not? i thought you finally could."

I shook my head, "I can't, it felt, i dunno...? Maybe it's easier when i'm alone with him."

Garam whistled, "Alone, huh."

"Shut up." i said before going back to being silent. I took another glance at Niki, he was listening to his friend's conversations too. He didn't seem so interested.

After school, we had to walk with each other. So i had to confront him either way.

"Hey, Nik-"

"Sena." He said at the same time.

We both looked at each other, surprised.

"You go first." Niki saida

I shook my head, telling him it's fine, "No, you can go..."

"Well, i was going to ask. How's Hakun?"

Really? I was going to apologize for whatever i did and you're asking about Hakun...

He spoke again, "You guys hung out yesterday, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" i asked curiously.

"I have my ways."

I looked down, kicking stone pebbles every time i took a step, "i thought i made progress with him, but i guess i didn't."

He tilted his head, "Did he not talk to you?"

I shook my head, "More like i couldn't come up with a conversation starter to talk to him. I've realized that every time we had a conversation... it was always initiated by me."

"That's not true." He says, stopping my tracks.

I tilt my head, "how?"

"When you bumped into him, he talked to you first."

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