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"We never, ever speak of this." Sena spat, pointing a finger in all three of her friend's faces as she finished telling her story.

Two of them nodded, Garam on the other hand just laughed.

"Are you sure you like Hakun, or Niki?" Garam snickered.

Sena held her head in frustration, "this is what i mean! I don't want misunderstandings, if anyone brings it up, just say he was checking to see if i had..." she paused, lowering her voice, "lice or something?"

The three looked at each other in disgust, "Sena babe, i think that's more embarrassing than what actually just happened."

She buried her face in her arms, "i'm screwed, why'd he have to walk in at that moment." She questioned herself, voice muffled.

Micha rubbed her back, "it's fineee, he'll probably understand. You should let him know that he's just your best friend to clear things up." Micha comforted.

Jina added, "Or say he's your brother."

Garam nudged Jina, "What the hell, they don't even look alike. That's so weird." She gagged.

Sena lifted her head, considering it.

Garam flicked Sena's forehead, "Sena i swear to god, say anything but that. Even the lice idea was better." She scoffed.

Sena came up with something, "maybe i'll just... avoid niki." She said.

They looked at each other then at Sena, "you're going to regret that." One said.

Sena shook her head, "it's fine. It's not like we're close at school. We'll talk from time to time just not as much as we usually do."

Garam sighed, "whatever."

Sena looked at Niki guiltily. The avoiding wont last long anyway.

It's alright.

Another thing that would've helped her is if Niki could somehow make Hakun believe that they were only best friends.


Sena decided to stay after school at the library, putting extra time into her studies.

She looked around, there were people studying and others with tutors.

"Hakun might be here right now." She thought, looking around.

She continued working, waiting for the clock to hit 4:30 so she could go home.

When it did, she packed up her things and got up to go home.

Niki's probably home now.

When she was in the halls, heading to the school doors, two old classmate of her's called out her name.

"Hey, Sena!" One said.

Sena turned around, "yeah?"

"Is it true that Niki was kissing you in that abandoned class room?" She asked, snickering.

Her face turned beet red, "What? No! Of course not... i don't know where you heard that from." She said, denying the allegations.

The two nodded, "oh okay, sorry to bother you." They said.

When the two walked away, Sena exhaled out of relief. Continuing on her way home.

"Thank god they believed me." She muttered.


The next day, she slept in 20 minutes just so she didn't have to walk with Niki in the morning.

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