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They ended up finally leaving and going to the bike racks, they decided to keep quiet about whatever just happened.

It was better that way.

Sena saw Hakun leaning on a bike, "oh hey!" Hakun waved at the two.

They waved back, Hakun tilted his head.

"What took you guys so long?" Hakun asked.

"I couldn't find her in class, turns out she was in the bathrooms" he said so easily.

Sena nodded, "sorry." She apologized with an awkward laugh.

Niki went to go get his bike from the racks and she stood there awkwardly, she didn't bring her bike since she walked.

Sena preferred walking since Niki and her could talk more on the way to school.

Hakun noticed her and smiled, "here, you can ride with me." He said while patting the seat.

Just by that simple sentence, she felt that feeling of butterflies in her stomach again.

"Okay." She smiled before hopping on.

Her legs were on one side and she could see Niki following behind, it felt weird to hang onto Hakun but she did anyway since he told her too.

She didn't know where they were going, but if she asked then it wouldn't be much of a surprise.

The two stopped their bikes, Sena didn't even notice, she felt so comfy holding onto Hakun like this.

It was a bowling alley, they put their bikes on a bike rack and went in.

She was surprised, and excited. She's never been bowling before.

Hakun opened the door for them, she smiled thankfully at him. They ordered pizza and started.

"Here, you do it like this." Hakun said, explaining how to hold and throw a bowling ball.

Sena copied his moves, and soon enough, she knocked them all over. Earning her first strike.

"Yeah! Nice job, Sena!" Hakun cheered, high-fiving the girl with both hands.

Meanwhile, Niki was sitting down, waiting for his turn while drinking his lemon soda. His jaw was clenched at the sight, he didn't realize he was practically biting onto the red straw.

"Niki, it's your turn." Sena smiled, going over to pull him up from his seat.

It was fun for Sena, it felt like a nice friendly hangout. Not like last time, where she didn't even get the chance to talk to Hakun.

Niki was excited, he didn't like losing and he was pretty competitive. He rolled the ball and got a strike first try.

"Let's go!" He cheered to himself with a fist in the air, he turned around, "Sena! Did you see tha-"

She wasn't paying attention, Hakun and her were in their own world. He heard them talking about some bike accident story that didn't seem to ring a bell in Niki's head.

For the first time in a while, he felt out of place, and left out. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling, it's just been so long and he remembers how much he hated it.

The weird thing is, that feeling disappeared when he met Sena. Every time he's around Sena, being left out wasn't possible.

Why was it different now?

"Oh, niki! Did you get a strike?" Sena asked, just realizing.

Niki nodded slowly, the excitement he had already faded.

She smiled widely and jumped up from her seat, running to the boy to pat his head which was quite difficult considering how much taller he was.

"Good job." She laughed.

It was her turn now, Niki walked and took a seat next to Hakun. The juxtaposition between their sitting postures was far too clear.

Hakun was leaned back on the seat while holding his soda, Niki who had his legs spread out as well but instead, his elbows rested on his knees while he slouched.

His hands were clasped together while watching her.

The ball she rolled went to the side, missing every single bowling pin.

She turned back and laughed to save herself from embarrassment.

"You suck."

"Good try."

The difference in their comments made her laugh, "Niki should learn from you, Hakun. He's so mean." The girl stuck her tongue out at her best friend.

He just glared at her before getting a pizza slice.

They were all sitting but Sena was closer to Hakun.

She probably didn't think Niki was actually annoyed at them, he set this whole thing up anyway.

He sighed, whatever, as long as they're happy.

He tossed his pizza crust back in the box before standing up again, going for another round.

The two talked and got closer while Niki managed to try and have fun by himself. He'd take multiple glances to make sure she was okay.

It finally ended and it was time to head home, they had to split ways now.

"That was really fun. We should hangout another time." Hakun said, holding eye contact with Sena

She smiled and the two watched him take his leave. When it was finally just them two, she sat on the back and he began biking home.

"I had so much fun, did you?" Sena asked.

He nodded, "mhm."

The girl sighed, still thinking about what an amazing day she had, "thanks for doing this."


The ride was silent and they finally reached home, he didn't wave her goodbye like he always did, just went inside his house and so did she.

Sena got to her room and felt something off, she looked out her window and saw him shutting the lights and passing out onto his bed.

She told herself that he's alright and there's nothing she should worry about. But still, she couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong.

The small box on her desk caught her attention.

"Right, i forgot to open it." She muttered to herself.

She took the box and sat on her bed while opening it, it revealed mint chocolate.

That could only mean one thing, nobody else know's how much she loves mint chocolate.

Hakun wouldn't have gotten her this, nobody likes mint chocolate...

She averted her eyes to the window again, a weak smile forming onto her face.

"Thank you."

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