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"team niki"

We walked around the school grounds, there were lots of people having fun and there were also food stations everywhere.

Our school really outdid it, i wonder if we were trying to save up money since there were so many events.

The games were stuff you'd see at a carnival.

"So, how was Hakun?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She shrugged, "Nothing much, we just talked and he complimented my banner that i made. He liked the way i cheered too."

"Weren't you cheering for me?"

Her eyes rolled, "Nevermind that, let's go there." She pointed, "We can eat after we have fun!"

I nodded and followed her, she held onto my wrist wherever we went. Then again, it wasn't like i was gonna go anywhere.


"This is the pie game! Once you agree to play, there's no backing out." The two twins who were hosting the event warned.

Niki and Sena looked at one another for eachothers approval. They nodded and sat down at the seats across from each other.

The twins put two cream pies in front of the two as they tied their hands behind their backs.

"Eh? What..." Sena muttered in confusion.

One of the twins explained, "You'll have to find the secret object with your mouth only! Whoever finds it first, wins a prize." They said enthusiastically.

Niki looked at Sena with wide eyes, she was just as surprised as he was.

The other twin started counting, "On your marks, ready, get set, go!"

Sena immediately stuffed her face in the pie with no hesitation, Niki on the other hand watched her in shock. He laughed before he did the same, more carefully though.

Sena lifted her face, her eyes shut until one of the twins wiped the cream off her eyes so she could see. She looked at niki who was still searching before she laughed proudly, "I got it first! Take that, Niki!"

Niki pulled his face up and stared, her face was full of cream and she looked funny, "You look stupid." He snickered.

The twins untied them, they didn't bother to clean the cream off their faces.

"Here, you get to choose a stuffy!" They pointed at the selections.

Niki tapped Sena's shoulder, "I want that one." He pointed at a cute monkey.

She furrowed her brows, "What? I won though." She said quietly

"I don't care, get that one."

She pouted to herself before looking at the twins, "I'll get that monkey..." she muttered.

They handed her the stuffed animal, Niki wasn't paying attention, he was too busy eating the leftover cream on his face.

"Here." She said as she handed it to him.

He stared at it then at her, "Woah, i was just kidding." He said while refused the stuffy.

She groaned, "Ugh, just take it. It's too late to get a different one." She shoved the toy into his arms before she walked off.

Niki felt a bit guilty, he didn't think Sena would still give in to his requests.

Sena was just always considerate when it came to him.

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