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"secret admirer"



Garam was all for this secret admiring stuff, even if it was kind of cliche.

They all watched as Sena walked towards her desk in complete awe.

There was a single tiny fake rose and sticky notes filled with kind messages. The letter was placed on the middle with a heart shaped box.

On the far side of the classroom, Niki had a sly smirk forming on his face while he leaned lazily on his chair, legs resting on his desk.

He watched as she opened the envelope, waiting to see her reaction.

There it is, the smile he was waiting for.

Mission accomplished.

"Who do you think its from?" Jina asked curiously.

Sena put all the things in her bag to bring home so that she could have a clean workspace, Niki was kind of disappointed that she didn't open the small box with her favourite chocolates in it.

The girl didn't make it too much of a fuss like her friends, but she was freaking out inside, "It all makes sense that it'd be from Hakun..." she whispered confidently.

Niki basically lip read that before turning back to his friends disappointedly. He came to school right as the doors opened.

Nobody was there and he was basically the first person in the building besides the janitor and some teachers.

That's what he thought, because when he was decorating Sena's desk, he heard someone open the door. When he turned around, they already slid it closed. So, he couldn't see who was about to enter.

He brushed it off, assuming it was probably the janitor.


The bags under his eyes were a bit too obvious for his friends, "what did you do?" Jake asked, looking suspiciously at Niki.

Niki didn't move his heavy eyes from his desk that he was staring blankly at, "What do you mean what did i do?" He replied, talking slower than usual.

"You look dead." Jay commented.

Niki shut his eyes, hoping he could just fall into a deep sleep then and there, "i am. So leave me alone for now."

They nodded and continued with their chatters.

He hoped she'd get back to her usual self and soon enough, she would stop avoiding him. But, the gods might've had something else planned.


Sena looked at her phone while smiling, ready to send the text to Hakun.

-Did you get me all this today?

He quickly answered.

-Get you what?

Oblivious enough, she laughed quietly to herself while trying not to get caught smiling at her phone from the teacher.

-The letter and everything else

-it made me really happy.

hakun is typing...

-Huh? Maybe i did. Glad you're happy, anyway i gtg ttyl.

She turned her phone off and smiled to herself, confident that the boy was just trying to act clueless.

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