v. first fan

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Bang Bang Con was a success and it was time to move on to the next projects which had to do with music video shoots and a whole lot of dance rehearsals for the music videos and the next online concert that coming October. A tiring year was already guaranteed and free time became more and more limited. 

Despite initially being hired for their comeback, the dancer was getting more and more involved in the company's endeavors. She didn't mind the extra work even if she wasn't an official performance director there, she was just happy to be there.

"You can put your bag here," Gyeoul directed, shuffling out of her slippers and stepping inside her little studio. She placed her backpack inside by the door and took out her laptop, walking over to her speaker to set it up.

Jungkook happily obliged, leaving Gyeoul's extra slippers outside and placing his bag beside hers. While there was limited free time, the younger one sacrificed that resting time to live out his fanboy dream. As soon as it was announced that they were to get the weekend off, the idol jumped at the chance to train with the dancer and even hit the jackpot when she suggested training in the famous art room.

"This is so surreal," Jungkook breathed out, already dancing in front of the mirror. His eyes fell on the artwork around the room. "Woah, these are amazing! Do you have an original here or are these all your mother's?" The woman hummed, pointing at the one nearest to the mirror. "Looks like you'd be well off as an artist. I'd seriously buy this."

"I won't complain if you do," she grinned. She stepped to the speakers to connect her phone. "Do you remember back in 2012? You danced to one of my choreos?"

He hummed, "I remember that it was Faded Pictures, but I don't remember the steps. And I almost had a heart attack when you commented on the video. Thanks for that."

Gyeoul snorted, "You should have seen me when I got your company's email." She clapped her hands and stood up as she chose one of her playlists for them to warm up to. "Do you want to relearn it? Kind of a 'one time for the present, two time for the past' type of thing? It'd be nice to compare how your style has evolved since then."

"You're serious? I actually get to take a class from you? And for free?"

"But you've been taking classes from me since last month?"

"That's work, so it's different."

Gyeoul just smiled and agreed, "Okay, this is your first class with me, and it's free of charge."

Jungkook grinned back at the older one and looked back at the mirror. "You know, back then, I loved imagining myself in your classes, especially from those famous studios in LA. I tried to find some of your classes when I was there pre-debut, but it was so hard since you were never tied down to one studio."

The dancer swore her heart grew bigger at his little story. "I'll reserve a slot for you the next time we're in LA at the same time."

Pulling out his phone and opening a certain app, he said, "Say that again."

"Jungkook will get a free slot for one of my classes the next time we're in LA at the same time."

Content, he nodded and placed his phone by the speaker. He eagerly went back to the middle of the dance floor, waiting for the instructor to commence their training.

Gyeoul chuckled, "Let's warm up first. We'll start in ten minutes."

"Do you have an extra hair tie?" Jungkook asked her, watching as she started to stretch on the floor.

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