xxiii. we keep this love in a photograph

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He hummed in response.

"Not that I don't appreciate your company or anything, but..."

"But what?"

She sighed, planting her foot on the ground to stop herself from swinging. Taehyung turned to her curiously. Reading her expression, it must not be that serious.

"You said before that we were taking Yeontan to Seoul and I've yet to see him."

Taehyung laughed, "He was in Geochang with my cousins for the week. I'm sure that he's already home by now."

"Thank god, I thought you were hiding him from me or something."

"Why would I hide him from you?"

"Because I might steal him from you?"

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Now I'm really considering hiding him away from you."

Gyeoul smiled, pushing her heels against the ground. "Do you remember after our fight, our parents forced us to meet? I gave you choco pies while you gave me white carnations."

Laughing, he tilted his head at her, "It's a wonder how we can remember everything except each other's name." He shook his head, "I still can't believe you figured it out just by the switched bracelet. I never would have figured it out on my own."

"You underestimate how genius you are, Kim Tae," she smiled, making her swings more powerful. "I can't count the number of times you amazed me with that brain of yours."

"I would have thought my bead turned brown because the color was fading or something."

She laughed, tilting her head back as she did so. Feeling the way she moved through the air while she was on that swing made her feel like a child again. She smiled, opening her eyes and just now realizing how dark it was.

"Do you remember how we used to panic whenever we were still outside and it was getting dark?"

He hummed, "We rivaled Quicksilver at how fast we ran back home."

"Even Quicksilver didn't catch the bullets and died. No matter how fast we ran to make it home, we'd always be there just in time to face our mothers' wrath." She slowed her swinging, leaning forward. "Which reminds me, we should get home before dinner."

"You just want to see Yeontan sooner."

Gyeoul smiled innocently, "Is that such a crime?"

Taehyung stood up, holding his hand out for Gyeoul. She smiled, smacking it and standing up on her own. They linked arms and walked back home.

Conversations filled with 'do you remember when...?' and 'there was once that time when we...' filled the air all the way to Taehyung's house, performing autopsies on the senseless dialogue and merry memories that happened years ago. They talked about those things like an old home — all the places their hearts have touched in the past that built the foundation of the character they were at that very moment.

"They're back!"

She chuckled, pulling away from Taehyung as they neared the gate of the house. "I love your family." They stopped at their front door, hearing Taeri and Taejun yelling at each other while high-pitched barks only amplified the chaos that must be happening inside.

"Obviously, my family loves you too," Taehyung said, motioning his hand at the ruckus they could hear inside. She smiled humorously while putting her hand on the doorknob to open it. "But just so you know—" she tentatively twisted the doorknob, waiting for him to continue. "—you're part of the family now too. There's no escaping it."

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