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Chapter 15: Come back Home with Me

Translator: Mia

Jeon Jungkook was now thirty thousand feet above the sky on the plane. Though his attention was caught by the pile of documents beside him, he managed not to touch them and only glanced at them occasionally.

He denied the so-called evidences deep down his heart!

Park Jimin looked closely at Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook seemed to remain calm. He, Jeon Jungkook, and other fellow boys born in rich and powerful families were all brought up with all their wishes satisfied. They could have everything they want.

They would not turn hysterical for anything, for it was the emotion only occurred to those who were felt themselves inferior and got angry because they couldn’t have what they wanted despite hard work.

Park Jimin knew it was of no use objecting Jeon Jungkook now. What he could do was to state facts earnestly, “We can’t be as powerful as we are in Jincheng in New Zealand. Now, Yu Lisa is the legal wife of Kim Taehyung. And Kim Taehyung has numerous social resources there. Without Kim Taehyung’s consent, we will violate local laws if we want to take Yu Lisa’s body home.”

Jeon Jungkoom scorned at his words, “I will put it again. There are no body or will. She is still alive! Kim Taehyung? He would be powerful in New Zealand because of the support offered by the Kim family. However, what if the Kim family fall apart?”

Park Jimin opened his mouth wide on hearing this. He was so astonished and couldn’t say anything. It was not until now before he finally realized that Jeon Jungkook was not act on impulse. He was determined to achieve his ends no matter what could happen.

However, was it worthy to escalate the conflicts of they two to the confrontations between two families just for a divorced and dead Yu Lisa?

Park Jimin dare not to talk to Jeon Jungkook anymore, fearing to further stimulate him.

It took Jeon Jungkook over a dozen hours to arrive at New Zealand. And he went directly to the hospital without a break.

Jeon Jungkook had ways to keep Kim Taehyung waiting. Kim Taehyung was able to give up his domestic career because of his love to Yu Lisa. However, he was born a member of the Kim family. How could he act regardless of the well-being of the Kim family?

Jeon Jungkook called the old Mr Kim and threatened him before getting on board, “Grandpa Kim, Kim Taehyung takes my wife away from me. Bother you to tell him to keep hands off. Or else, though it would be hard for me to make the Kim group bankrupt in a short time, it would be easy for me to knock it down and prevent it to rise again even at the cost of the Jeon group. After all, it’s Kim Taehyung who takes my wife away from me. And now I don’t care anything except my wife.”

The moment Jeon Jungkook was on board, scandals of the Kim group, including that of the hospitals and the retail industry became headlines.

Kim Taehyung stood outside the ward, and his eyes were red and swollen. He seemed to be overwhelmed and had suffered from mental shocks. They used to be intimate classmates and now they were not friends anymore. He looked at Jeon Jungkook with fists clenched and extreme hatred filling in his eyes, “Body and organ donation is the will of Lili. However, because of your prevention, we miss the best time for donation!”

“Will?” Jeon Jungkook smiled indifferently, “Stop saying words like that. She is not dead apparently. If organs are donated, it could become excuses for you to persuade me that the dead one isn’t Yu Lisa. Lies are eventually lies. Hehe, take me to her.”

Jeon Jungkook acted aggressively while Kim Taehyung tried hard to suppress his indignation. Tension arose under two kinds of different extreme emotions.

Considering the situation of Kim family, Kim Taehyung was forced to recept Jeon Jungkook. He turned around and went forward with the medical staff.

One aisle after another, they walked down and down. Jeon Jungkook was more and more depressed. There seemed to be endless turns. They seemed to head toward darker and darker places. The darkness has never disturbed him like this. He felt extremely unsafe, “Why aren’t we heading to the inpatient department?”

He believed that Yu Lisa was right here in the hospital. However, they were not heading to the right place.

Kim Taehyung suddenly stopped and he said with a trembled voice, “I wish she was in the inpatient department. At least, she is ... alive.”

Trying to ignore the haunting sadness around Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook took a deep breath and continued his walk. He kept telling himself that Kim Taehyung was a scum and he was lying to him.

He, Jeon Jungkook has been Yu Lisa’s love for ten years. He was her true love. There was no way for her to marry another man and give birth to babies for him.

All were lies. The lies were made up by Kim Taehyung and he wanted him to give up.

Kim Taehyung stopped outside the mortuary.

Seeing the word of mortuary, Jeon Jungkook took another deep breath and couldn’t believe it was their destination, “Where is she? Why do you bring me here?”

“Right inside the room.” Kim Taehyung burst into tears suddenly and couldn’t help feeling sad. He leaned against the wall and firmly pressed the edge of his palm against his forehead, trying to hide his discomfiture by covering his eyes. “If you won’t give up until you see her, go inside then. And then I don’t want to see you for the rest of my life! And so as Lili!”

Jeon Jungkook stepped back, attempting to go to other places, “Kim Taehyung!, stop playing tricks!”

Kim Taehyung was a little bit lack of strength but still irritated by Jeon Jungkook’s acts, “I don’t want you to see her! Because she don’t want to see you! If it were not for the pressure you’ve posed on the Kim family domestically, I won’t bring you here to disturb her!”

Jeon Jungkook gasped. He seemed to be unable to breath. He pulled down his collar so violently that a button was pulled off. There was air clogging in his chest and it made him extremely uncomfortable!

“I will stop your play here!” Jeon Jungkook put on a cold smile and then acted confidently seeing the door in front of him.

The medical staff got them dressed with specific cloth, mask, and hat. Cold air greeted him as Jeon Jungkook walked inside following the medical staff.

Right there on the morgue bed, the plain white cloth was partially lifted off. Lying there was a pale woman. The familiar eyebrows, the nevus at the corner of her eyebrow, the closed eyes, the straight nose, and the diamond-shaped mouth all told him that it was Yu Lisa.

She slept there quietly.

All including her usual pink lips were pale.

Jeon Jungkook wanted to turn around and leave the room but failed. He couldn’t move his feet. He was forced to look closer. However, the closer he looked, the harder of his breath.

His body got cold. He reached out his finger and put it under her nose, unwilling to move it away.

He kept telling himself that she was playing and he wouldn’t let her win. This time he was determined to take her home!

However, two, three, and even more minutes were gone. Not a slight breath was detected. It was impossible for a woman alive to hold her breath for so long. Jeon Jungkook could feel that he was gradually getting carried away as time went by. He touched her cold face with his trembled hands and hugged her head. He had never been so discomfiture. He could even bear with the heartache when he saw her letters.

However, tears dropped from the corner of his eyes quietly. Jeon Jungkook pressed his face against hers and couldn’t help uttering words with a trembled hoarse voice!

“Lili, how about not playing so hard to fool me? I swear to treat you well. I will let you win and won’t argue with you anymore. Come back with me. It’s cold here! Extremely cold! You would get sick!”

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