twenty eight

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Chapter 28: Piercing-Knife Like Words

Translator: Mia

“I don’t want you to work your fingers to the bone for me. I just want you to stay by my side and we live a good life together. Lili, you’ve promised me to give me a chance. I can’t live without you. I would go insane. I will always wait for you until you are willing to accept me. I’ve said I won’t marry another woman in my life except you and I mean it.”

“Em...” Yu Lisa’s voice got tight when answering him. Only Kim Taehyung was the one she owed much and couldn’t pay back.

Warm sunshine the next day. Yu Lisa was accompanying Lalice and watching her crawling. Her baby was with congenital deficiencies. Even though she could speak well, she couldn’t walk and could barely take a firm stand. Thus, Yu Lisa needed to accompany her and train her to crawl.

Lalice didn’t get that she was different from other kids of her age. She crawled and laughed happily.

Yu Lisa’s phone rang at the moment. She picked it up immediately without checking who was the one calling. She said in a soft voice, “Taehyung, are you coming back home? I will ask the domestic helper to cook the dinner now.”

Lalice crawled towards her mom and shouted clearly and excitedly, “Daddy! Daddy!”

Hearing the voices from the other side, Jeon Jungkook rubbed the area between his eyebrows. He felt bad. The message sent from the phone to him was like bits of broken glass to be swallowed. They were a family of three and lived in harmony, which made him even more isolated and pathetic.

“It’s me.” Jeon Jungkook’s voice was low and a little bit cold. He had thought of numerous opening remarks. However, now he could only manage to utter two words now.

The other side was silenced immediately. Jeon Jungkook added, “Let’s talk about Lanlinyuan.”

Jeon Jungkook also knew it was a despicable act, but he was unable to think of other possible ways. He couldn’t threaten her by using the kid again since he knew she would go mad. Then Lanlinyuan was the only thing in his hand that would possibly catch her attention.

“Lanlinyuan? Do you want to sell it or just destroy it?”

Yu Lisa’s voice was even colder than that of the Jeon Jungkook’s. Jeon Jungkook couldn’t believe what he had heard. However, the way the speech was uttered and the frequency the tone of the speech were so familiar to him. It was Yu Lisa indeed.

He didn’t know how to answer her since she asked back this way, “You’ve always wished to keep it, haven’t you?”

“Yes, I want to keep it. However, since it’s you who called, it doesn’t matter whether you sell it or destroy it. Are you happy to hear hear my answer?”

Holding the phone in hand, Jeon Jungkook fell directly into the sofa. His eyes were full of bitterness and he was at a loss. Yu Lisa’s words made him panic, “Lisa...I’ve never thought of...”

“I won’t go back to that city again. It’s totally up to you as for the disposal of my mom’s house. Either is fine. And it’s also a chance for me to forget about everything.” Yu Lisa hanged. Tears went out of her eyes immediately. She pretended to be composed and indifferent, preventing all possible tricks of him. However, it also hurt herself. How couldn’t she stop caring about the house left by her mom?!

Jeon Jungkook had never been so frustrated. Yu Lisa was so indifferent that he had no other tricks. What was more, he couldn’t be determined and dared not to sell or destroy Lanlinyuan. Because he knew if he had done it, it would destroy all the possibilities to get Yu Lisa back.

It would ultimately make Yu Lisa his enemy.

Half an hour later, he called Yu Lisa again. This time, he was more composed than before. He said in an organized way and every single word uttered by him was like a knife piercing Yu Lisa’s heart, “You may not care about the dead things. Lanlinyuan is the asset of my mother-in-law. I won’t touch it. However, as for Kim Taehyung, I will spare every effort to ensure his suffering and even his death.”

Violent retorts from Yu Lisa came upon his words, “Jeon Jungkook! Leave Taehyung alone! Or else, I won’t let it go!”

Jeon Jungkook couldn’t help getting jealous. How couldn’t he stop feeling sad? The woman that he kept thinking about was fighting with him for another man! However, he made himself a maniac because of her. She didn’t even yell to him for her mom!

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