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Chapter 6: Time to Let It Go

Translator: Mia

Rushed to Yu Lisa, Yu Marco slapped her hard in the face!

The attack was sudden and with great force. Yu Lisa didn’t know what was going on before staggering back to the wall. What was more, she was suffering from the temporary after-effects of ear ringing. All that she could hear now was taunts from Yu Marco, “Your sister is dying but you are keen on making troubles here! What a vicious heart! Go if you are not here paying a nice visit!”

Also rushed to Yu Lisa, Wen Ruyu shoved and kicked her, “You haven’t been a nice elder sister since young. And you now even wish her death earnestly, don’t you? You are so cruel-hearted! Why can’t you ever think of my hard work in raising you like my own child!”

Seizing Yu Lisa  by her wrist, Yu Marci tried to dragging her out, “Get out! I’ll pretend not having you as my daughter since now!”

Yu Lisa was trying hard to unclench Yu Marco’s hand while Wen Ruyu joined him to drag her out.

Turned her head back to Jeon Jungkook who was coming near quickly, Yu Lisa said out loud, "Jeon Jungkook! I’ve told you! I haven’t plotted you! The one who has calculated you is the one you love most!”

Seeing the blood oozing from the corner of Yu Lisa’s mouth, Jeon Jungkook dragged her out from Yu Marco's hand. However, Yu Lisa felt she was now seized by a greater force!

Jeon Jungkook’s eyes were now as red as the blood on Yu Lisa’s mouth, “What you’ve said?!”

Yu Lisa was so hurt and shrank her neck by instinct. Yu Marco immediately reacted to the scene and tried to stop her words in a hurry, “jungkook! Her words are nonsense! She has never wished her sister good since young!”

Stopping Wen Ruyu who was trying to join them with another hand, Jeon Jungkook stared at Yu Lisa. An aura of danger arose around him! Extremely dangerous! “Say it again!”

Yu Lisa gasped, “Two years ago, it was my dad and Yu Jieun who had plotted you because the will left by my mom was that all her shares could be left to Yu Jieun as long as I could marry you for two years. She knew I loved you and thought two years were long enough for we to have babies. At that time, I would have a stable marriage. However, to ensure all properties were left to Yu Jieun, my dad thought of the plan two days before your engagement with Yu Jieun and had arranged for the media to report the scandal. All that was to force you to marry you for it was impossible for the Jeon family to ignore public opinions... ”

Diffident to deny Yu Lisa’s words, Yu Marcoshouted, “Nonsense!”

“For whether what I’ve said is nonsense, you can check the information about the equity transfer.” Looking up to Jeon Jungkook who was much higher than her, she frowned and was seemed to be in great pain. Shining liquid was gathering in her eyes, “Jeon Jungkook, you are always the one who feel wronged. And you think I’m the one who shall take the blame and stop you from having the one you love. However, do you ever think about me? I’m actually the most pitiful one who has been wrongly treated! My dad has plotted my mom’s shares and my scandal for his another daughter. Though I love you so much, I’m also a proud princess who has always been the apple of my mom’s eyes. I also want to marry the one who love me. I also want a happy life. I also want to be loved. However, your hatred all goes to me. It has been two years. I’m innocent yet living with your hatred for two years!”

Jeon Jungkook’s breaths were disturbed on hearing this. He saw Yu Lisa’s body slipping down to the ground and her face was covered by numerous small beads of sweat. He tried to pull her up but failed. She kept slipping down with a paler face.

“What’s wrong?” It was a question he never asked for he never cared about her.

Yu Lisa took in several deep breaths. However, her voice became lower and lower due to the great pain of her belly, “ a it.”

Jeon Jungkook’s eyes looked down to the belly which was covered by Yu Lisa's hands now. More and more blood oozed between her legs and she became more and more painful judging from her face.

Jeon Jungkook’s blood froze on the scene. He unclenched her wrist and lifted her up by the waist, “Yu Lisa! What the hell are you hiding from me!”

“I plan to tell you tonight that I’m...pregnant.” Seizing him by shirt collar, Yu Lisa stared at his underjaw. It was the first time that he worried and rushed for her. She felt sad and her heart hurt.

“I thought we would finally have a family. It doesn’t matter whether you love me. Perhaps, you would love our children. You may not at the beginning but would later seeing a smaller you around.”

Yu Lisa hurt and gasped in a higher frequency.

“Stop talking!” Holding Yu Lisa in his arms, Jeon Jungkook was in a panic like an aimless fly. He shouted, “Doctor! Doctor!”

Blood stings went downwards along Yu Lisa's butt. The cold aisle was decorated by a startling stretching blood line!

All his muscles and even that of his heart’s got tense!

How could he be so scared?

He wasn’t scared at all when Yu Jieun committed suicide. However, seeing the unstopping blood of Yu Lisa, he was so scared that his throat got tight and couldn’t utter a voice.

Yu Lisa was extremely weak, “I lost my children. Maybe it’s my punishment. The heaven punishes me for occupying you without taking your happiness into account. So it gives me children yet deprives them from me cruelty...if I can live with what I have and agree to divorce, maybe...maybe my children would grow gradually in my belly...I... I shall really let it go now...”

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