Forty three

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Chapter 43: Killed Her Mom

Translator: Mia

Wrapping Lalice with the bath towel, Jeon Jungkook hugged her out of the bathroom. He found Lalice cloths and got her dressed. He also told the doctor to continue to sedate Yu Lisa. It was not a good time for Yu Lisa to wake up.

Walking out of Yu Lisa' room, the doctor came to the kid's room. He applied the medicine on Lalice bruises. Lalice buried her face in Jeon Jungkook's chest and tried to distract herself by talking to Jeon Jungkook, "Daddy, Lalice misses mommy a lot. When will mommy get better?"

"Soon. When Lalice's skin gets white, mommy will be just about to get better."

"Lalice could apply powder to my skin and get white..."

After checking the conditions of Lalice, the doctor felt sorry for what the little kid had been through, "Mr Jeon, the bruises and wound on little lady's skin would take at least a week to get better. The little lady barely has an intact skin now. The god damn criminal needs to get what she deserved! How dare she!"

Jeon Jungkook didn't follow his thoughts. He just asked, "How about the Mrs? Is it possible for she to...until Lalice gets better?"

The doctor got the implied meaning of Jeon Jungkook's words, for it would definitely be bad for Yu Lisa's body if she was sedated too much.

The doctor answered, "I'll try my best to shorten the time for the little lady's skin to get back to the normal."

Jeon Jungkook nodded his head. When the doctor was gone, he took Lalice out in the garden. He thought it might help Lalice forget about the fear she was in by playing happily in the garden.

In the day, Lalice would be all right. However, during the night, Lalice would tightly seize the cloths of Jeon Jungkook.

When Yu Lisa was there, Jeon Jungkook never got the chance to sleep with Lalice. However, after two days with Lalice now, they two got ever closer. Jeon Jungkook could feel that Lalice was always caring him, giving him the love she could offer. He was also touched by the warmness offered by the kid.

Actually he had thought to himself that it didn't matter whether he could have his own kid or not. He had planned an adoption.

And now the kid was Yu Lisa's daughter. What else should he asking for?

From now on, he would not only take Lalice as his own daughter. She would and must be his own daughter!

A white yacht was sailing fast towards high seas!

In the high seas, a place not governed by anyone, a woman was dropped out of the ship with hands tied!

"Bang!". Along with the splashed sea water, there came a scream of Yu Jieun, "Jungkook , please forgive me! I just want you to kill Yu Lisa for me. I didn't mean to kill the kid!"

Jeon Jungkook was with sunglasses and a white linen shirt. The sea wind blew hard and expanding his shirt into a cloud over the sea.

Jeon Jungkook lit a cigarette and put it between his lips. He bit the filter tip hard, leaned half of his body against the railing, and lazily blew out smoke rings. The rings were dispersed by the sea wind then.

He didn't even look at the woman in the sea, "You didn't want to kill the kid. You just wanted to torture her! She was just a two-year-old kid. Wouldn't your hands shake when you beat her?"

"Jungkook ! I did it because I loved you!"

Jeon Jungkook slightly lowered his head and saw the woman in the sea, "All that in your heart is jealousy. How could you ever possible to love someone else? Or else, you wouldn't have pulled Lisa's mom downstairs."

All Yu Jieun's body was soaked in the sea except for her head and the tied hands hanging though a rope. The sea water was bitter and salty. The sun was extremely hot. She was on the edge of collapsing. Now suddenly hearing the old bad things she once did, she was more than frightened, "You, you, you. How could you know? Nonsense. I didn't. It was she who committed suicide and jumped out of the building!"

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