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Chapter 23: Only Love Her for the Next 11 Years

Translator: Mia

Jeon Jungkook’s act was a little bit ridiculous. Yu Jieun wanted to laugh but her timidity stopped her. She managed to pull her mouth corner up though it was awkward, “Jimin, nice to meet you.”

Bang! Heavily put down against the table was Jeon Jungkook’s tableware. He was more than furious. If it were not for the face Yu Jieun was wearing now, he would slap her heavily without doubt! “Good-for-nothing! Lisa would never greet people like this. Be natural and poised! Don’t act like we own you money!”

Yu Jieum shrank her shoulder by instinct on hearing the words. She was so afraid and wanted to cry but couldn’t. Then there came Jeon Jungkook’s order, “Fuck off!” She immediately followed the order and ran upstairs!

Park Jimin took a tumble! He thought for a while before looking at Jeon Jungkook, “Jungkook, let’s go out and take a look. Don’t stay in Jincheng anymore. I remember you’ve promised Lisa to take her out to see the world.”

Park Jimin actually thought Jeon Jungkook was sick. However, he couldn’t tell him frankly. What he could do was to find another way to distract him.

Jeon Jungkook leaned back and rubbed his temples, “I think I can find Lisa and get her back.”

Park Jimin pulled a chair beside the table out and sat down, “Jungkook, Yu Jieun is Yu Jieun. She can’t be Yu Lisa even though they are sisters. Their personalities are not the same. How could it possible for you turn Yu Jieun into Yu Lisa?”

Jeon Jungkook was determined, “I can! I’ve devised a series of training lessons for her. Yu Jieun has to master them! As long as she tries hard, she could be Lisa eventually.”

Park Jimin’s blood froze. The Jeon Jungkook before his eyes was so terrifying. He was probably gone mad, “Jungkook! You need to see a psychologist!”

“I’m not sick. I’m just...missing her.”

Just miss her. He said in a gentle voice, which could hardly be heard. If there were an amplifier, you might hear a trembled voice.

Park Jimin could tell his grief and broken heart from the feeble voice. He turned around not to see him, “Jungkook, try to let it go.”

Jeon Jungkook shook his head, “I owe her and can’t let it go.”

Park Jimin really wanted to punch him to awaken him, “How would you pay her back? Are you going to act like this and finally force yourself to die? Jeon Jungkook, look at yourself, are you still the man loved by Lisa? Would you really think she would satisfy to see you act like this?”

Jeon Jungkook immediately sat up straight upon Park Jimin’s words. Not a slight aura of decadence was seen from him now. He picked up the chopsticks again and pulled himself together, “No! I’m still the man loved by Lisa. I’m still the man who would be thought highly of by her. I don’t owe her much. I just need to love her for the next 11 years. I will love her like what she has done for me. I used to the best man in her eyes. If I’ve done something wrong, it must be the others’ fault. I’m always the man with a shining aureole in her heart. No one is ever better than me. It won’t be long. I will love her the same way she loves me for 11 years...and then I would stop and continue my new life...”

Park Jimin had never thought that Jeon Jungkook should love Yu Lisa based on his behaviors. However, he did feel the changes of Jeon Jungkoom after Yu Lisa was gone.

In the past, Park Jimin thought love was passionate and should be tested. Twists and turns would exist. However, viewed form Park Jimin’s experience, there did exist a kind of love which was embedded in the plain daily life. However, if the plain and even hidden love was deprived of at once, the person who was used to it would be so overwhelmed with grief that he would hardly wish to live.

However, Park Jimim still wanted to pull Jeon Jungkook out from his sad world. He had devised a traveling plan to let Jeon Jungkook travel the world with Yu Lisa’s bone ash. Traveling would be a much better choice than changing Yu Jieun into Yu Lisa.

However, it didn’t work. Jeon Jungkook was unexpectedly determined to change Yu Jieun into Yu Lisa. No one could persuade him. He would even not allow Yu Jieun to go out. He kept Yu Jieun practicing Yu Lisa’s way of talking and behaving every day.

He would get furious if Yu Jieun would act a slightly different from Yu Lisa. Yu Jieun was so scared that she could hardly sleep and eat well every day.

It was November and snow gleamed white. Jeon Jungkook’s heart was frozen and it was too numb to beat..

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