[B 15]

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"What are you doing in my bed?!" Jimin says, staring at Jungkook with wide eyes

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"What are you doing in my bed?!" Jimin says, staring at Jungkook with wide eyes. Jungkook looked at him in disbelief.
"Are you fucking dumb or did you hit your head last night? We literally sleep in the same room and same bed, so this is mine too" Jungkook says, wincing as he moved a bit.

"You fucker, look at my neck" Jungkook says, huffing as he took his phone and opened his camera. Jimin does the same, gasping.
"Why the fuck?" Jimin says, groaning.
"I topped, right?" Jimin asks, making Jungkook roll his eyes.

"Sir, I don't like topping... And why the fuck would I be wincing if you didn't top... Gosh, why did I marry a dumbass" Jungkook says, mumbling the last part.
"I heard that" Jimin says, huffing.
"You act like a child" Jungkook says, making Jimin chuckle.

"You took my virginity" Jimin says, crying dramatically.
"Are you for real, Jimin? YOU took mine too" Jungkook says until he realizes it.
"Wait, you're a virgin too?" Jungkook asks and Jimin nodded.

"Of course, you bitch... I may be flirty, but I'm not gonna waste my virginity on someone that'll use me" Jimin says, huffing.
"Well then, you took mine too" Jungkook says, huffing.
"I thought I went with a different guy, I even called you handsome!" Jungkook says, huffing.

"What?! I am though" Jimin says, glaring.
"Yeah, handsome, my ass" Jungkook says, making Jimin scoff.
"Your ass is sore though" Jimin says, making Jungkook poke his Adam's apple.
"Shut the fuck up, mister handsome" Jungkook says, making Jimin gasp and blush.
"You called me handsome" Jimin says, coughing.

"Yeah, did you not hear the sarcasm in my voice?" Jungkook says, sticking his tongue out. Suddenly, their phones rang, startling them. Jimin grabbed him, while Jungkook answered the call.

"Hello boys!"

"Hello boys!"

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