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                                  Chapter Two: The Dagger Ordeal

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Word Count: 1,404

°•∆ Ayano's POV ∆•°

'TSUKI-CHAN! OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY!?' the Tsundere screamed, rushing to aid the said girl.

Why, you ask?

Someone had thrown a small dagger at her. Not me, I swear! I just happened to be a passer-by. Even more, she caught it! She caught the fricking mini-dagger in between two fingers. You could see that if she hadn't caught it, she'd be impaled in the head right now. Did I mention she was also holding a water bucket?

'Nah, I'm fine, Osana-chan,' Tsuki-san smiled and waved the dagger, bringing attention to it. 'We need to find who threw this- after all, if I hadn't caught it and simply dodged it,' she held up the dagger and followed where it was hitting, 'Taro-senpai or you might have died instead.'

She was right- Senpai might've gotten hurt!

'B-but... you're bleeding!' Tsundere cried, not ready to give this up- agh, so annoying.

'Yeah, you are!' Senpai said, looking worried. 'Can someone help me get her to the nurse?'

Ah! This is the perfect chance!

'I- I will,' I stuttered, hating myself for doing that.

'Oh, Ayano-san! No, no, there is no need-' Tsuki-san smiled. 'It's only a little cut, after all. I don't think the dagger was poisoned.'

'O-okay... whatever you say, Tsuki-chan,' the Tsundere sniffled. 'I just don't want to lose another friend. If I do, I might just leave this school!'

'Ah, ah, ah!' Tsuki-san waved a finger in front of the tear-steaked face of the Tsundere. 'Not happening, darling.'

'D-don't call me d-darling!' she blushed furiously, a bright pink. 'You're still g-going to the i-infirmary, whether you l-like it or not!'

'Ah... very well,' she dramatically sighed, then screamed 'Oh, how my finger pains!'

It was so realistic- she was screaming in pain, holding her finger, tears dripping down the side of her face- but then our eyes met. She winked, then continued her screaming, which I now knew was an act.

I quickly hid my face from her to hide my giggles. Or so I thought that was what I wanted to hide...


'Uwah! O-okay, Senpai!'

'Hey, chill, guys! I'm acting!'


'Osana-chan, chill!' She giggled, and shot Kizano-san and Kizana-san a wink. 'How was my skill? Think I'm good enough for your Juliet?'

'Definitely,' Kizana-san winked back, while Kizano-san just hid behind his twin. 'You're perfect for Juliet, and if you want to be in our club- just ask!'

'Thanks, Kizana-chan!' she called out, then turned to me and Taro-senpai. 'Ayano-san and Taro-senpai will take me to the infirmary, right? No need to worry!'

'Yes, Tsuki-chan!'

'Uwah... y-yes! I will help, Tsuki-san...' I mumbled, thankful. Why was Tsuki-san helping me? Was she even helping- was she just oblivious?

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