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                                          Filler: Hangout Chapter

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Word Count: 504

°•∆ Tsuki's POV ∆•°







'...can you all stop staring, please?' I asked the Occult club members.

We were hanging out at the Maid Cafè with Ayano, since she was there and knew a little about demons. I'd finally learned all the names of the club members-

Supana-chan and Daku-kun sipped on oreo and blackberry smoothies respectively and were boring everyone with their chattering, so Kokuma-chan had coffee to keep her awake plus a delicious brown-bread sandwich. Oka-chan and Oko-kun both were eating white cheese pasta with black olives and a mint mojito Ayano-chan convinced them to try. Shojo-kun was snacking on a chocolate cupcake we bought from Odayaka's while Shin-kun stared solemnly at the ghost-shaped cookies I'd gotten from home. Ayano-chan snagged one of the cookies and took a bite.

'Woah, this is pretty good,' she muttered after chewing, and asked me a little louder, 'Where did you buy this?'

'I made them, silly,' I giggled. I tapped Shin-kun shoulder and gestured towards the cookies. 'I haven't poisoned them, you know?' I teased, earning a huff.

'Here's your steaming brownie, Nakano-senpai!' The new Chinese girl, Chāngfù-san, placed my order in front of me.

'...thank you, Wǒ-hèn-nǐ-kohai...?' I mumbled, trying to hold in a snicker at her name. It meant something horrible in Chinese... (go translate her name y'all)

I turned my attention to my order- which looked horrible. 

The brownie looked burnt and the chocolate sauce was boiling. The ice-cream was slipping off the brownie slowly. The brownie was emanating so much steam that in no time, the café was filled with smoke. I coughed, waving away some of it. 

'What the hell is this?' Ayano-chan asked me, holding her nose.

'It's supposed to be a hot brownie, but this is literally boiling-'

'You should... sue this café...' Oka-chan muttered, sipping the mojito.

'Come on, it can't be that bad,' I told them, attempting to eat the brownie only for it to drop onto the table.

'Sheesh,' I huffed, reaching to pick the brownie up.

I'd forgotten it was burning hot.

'AHHHHHHHHHHH! TSUKI-CHAN BURNT HERSELF!' Ayano-chan screeched, attracting the attention of all the customers.

'HUH!? HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN!?' Osana-chan yelled.



'...can you all please stop yelling...?' Oko-kun whisper-yelled. 'Tsuki-chan is hurt...!'

Oka-chan was carefully holding my finger, the tip of which had become pale. She'd sent Supana-chan and Kokuma-chan to get ice, Shin-kun to yell at Chāngfù-san, who looked frightened out of her mind, and Daku-kun to sue the café along with Chojo-kun running to get medicine from a nearby shop.

'Did you... burn yourself on... the steaming pan...?' she asked me, sounding concerned.

'Ehh... it was actually from the brownie...' I muttered, a little pink.

'WHAT!?' the entire café yelled in unison.


This actually happened to me yesterday, y'all- :,)

Me, my mom, my dad, my sister, and my newly-married uncle and aunt were eating out in the food court. You know 'Smoke'? That restaurant which served everything smoky?

You also know how I described the brownie?


My dad tried to get our money back, but the dude was like, 'tf no' so instead we got a better brownie! :D

Ngl I was too afraid to touch the brownie after dat-

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