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                                     Chapter Four: Info from Info

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Word Count: 1,368

°•∆ Ayano's POV ∆•°

Tsuki-chan was acting... unusual today. She was overly excited and kept getting even more excited when someone mentioned 'information', 'hacking', or 'secret'. I decided not to question it- however, her other orange-haired friend (Osana-san) was confused and worried. She kept asking if Tsuki-chan needed to go to the infirmary.

Tsuki-chan always declined, then calmed down for a bit. It was cleaning time when we finally got to know the reason for her excitement. It was-

'I'm going to meet a friend, alright?'

'...that was it?' I muttered in disbelief.

'No way, Tsuki-chan,' Osana-san nearly yelled, 'You couldn't have been this excited for that... right?'

Tsuki-chan skipped to the door and gave us a wave- clearly pretending not to have heard us. Me and Osana-san waved back, and then glared at each other. I looked out the window to see Tsuki-chan going up the stairs, so I groaned and got up to follow her- sneakily, of course.


Why is she walking towards the third floor?

Is she going to Senpai's classroom...?

I stole a glance at Tsuki-chan, who had stopped... right in front of the Info-Club? Say whaaa? Who'd want to meet her-


The doors opened-

Tsuki stepped inside and I quickly tiptoed to the curtains as the doors closed. I snuck a peek- Tsuki-chan was... hugging a red-headed girl? What the actual... wait... was that Info-chan?

I ducked down and slightly pushed the door. They'd left it unlocked. Quiet as a mouse, I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, without a creak. Phew, I thought.


Ah, I'm gone.

I'd accidentally stepped on one of the wrappers littering the Info-club, which seemed very lived-in. With a set of monitors and gadgets on the table, the blinds and curtains closed, and the beanbags all around, it actually seemed like a hacker's room.

Ah, wait. It is a hackers room-

Info-chan... or, at least, I think she's Info-chan... who'd been showing Tsuki-chan something on her computer, froze- however, Tsuki-chan simply snatched something and threw it AT ME WITHOUT A GLANCE-

'AHHHH!' I yelped, ducking down. I barely missed the dagger- if I hadn't ducked, I probably would have died. Who knew Tsuki-chan was so skilled...

Wait- I nearly died and am fawning over Tsuki-chan's skills! What the hell happened to me!?

Tsuki-chan chose that exact moment to sigh and turn around to face me. 'Ayano-chan... I thought you would be at least a little smarter than that.'

I was utterly confused, but by Info-chan's posture, she was not- and it almost seemed this had happened before. I swore I heard her mutter, 'Oh, dear, here we go again...'

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