Chapter 17

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(Krya p.o.v)

-Sitting at my holomonitor I wore an annoyed and pissed expression-

-I had underestimated the pesky human and he slipped from my claws once again-

Krya:"Fuck!" -I slam my fist on the desk letting out an enraged hiss-

-My hood opened up wide as I bared my teeth at the monitor, after the human managed to escape I searched for him for a few hours-

-But the blizzard grew worse along with the pit in my stomach-

"What if he froze to death!?"

-Shaking my head I intercept a couple more street cameras to see where he went, but due to the District my hideout is in funding is low making it a crime filled area-

"If he's been kidnapped by some Zev induced pyscho I swear to god...."

-Suddenly an alarm erupts making me jump slightly, so lost in thought I look around with confusion-

-Soon my eyes land on a comms device beside me..., the caller I.D being Topaz.....-

Krya:"Aww..., fuck..." -I face palm remembering the deal I had with the prick-

-Letting out a sigh I accept the call-

Agent Topaz:"Where the hell have you been!, I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours now!"

Krya:"Sorry I got distracted..."

Agent Topaz l:"D-DISTRACTED!?, You're in possession of an alien life form!"

Krya:"Sssss..., about that...." -I hiss nervously-

-The Genesis Agent fell quiet-

Agent Topaz:"Krya..., I swear to fucking God if you've-"

Krya:"He got away....." -I finish his sentence-

Agent Topaz:"WHAT!?" -A massive thump could be heard on the other side of the call-

Krya:"Look I'll find him again alri-"

Agent Topaz:"No!, you're done!, you're fucking done!, I'm calling an ACTUAL professional!"

Krya:"I am a professional!" -I sarcastically respond-

Agent Topaz:"You're a fucking undisciplined Assassin!"

Krya:"I'll find him again don't worry about it!"

Agent Topaz:"How many people are gonna die in that duration!?, I'm calling Angel...."

Krya:"Oh for fuc-..., do not call Angel!, I got this okay!?"

Agent Topaz:"You're off the job!, enjoy being Blacklisted again!"

Krya:"Oh you're gonna Blacklist me again are you!, well guess what!"


-The call disconnected-

Krya:"FUCK!" -I roar smashing the comms device to little bits-

-Holding my hands behind my hood I took a couple of deep breaths thinking of my next plan-

"This chase ain't over...." -I think letting out an angry hiss-

-Sitting down at the monitor I pull up a couple of different tabs before scrolling through contacts-

Krya:"Fucking Angel..., of course he's gonna call her...."

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