Chapter 2

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(??? p.o.v)

Soldier:"Woah..., I just got a energy spike within the city!" -One of the soldiers calls out-

-I look up from the holographic tablet-

???:"Its just probably a power break" -I respond boredly-

Soldier:"Its still rising!, beyond the limitations of the cities standards" -The wolf continues to say-

-My head looks up quickly-

-Getting up I rush to look at the soldiers holohrpahical monitor-

"What the fuck" -I think as the energy level continues to rise-

???:"Sector A-87, get me a camera little toyko!" -I say outloud-

-After a few seconds an image appears infront of us-

-We both fall silent as we watch the portal open spitting out a creature-

???:"Get me on a call with Genisis!" -I roar out-
(??? p.o.v). -A few hours later-

News reporter:"And in other news a recording has spread like wildfire over the Internet of what appears to be an alien or interdimensional being appearing from what appears to be a portal!" -The news reporter says as I video appears in the top right corner-

-The begins as little bolts of lighting strike the ground as I ball of light forms spitting out the strange creature-

-The video suddenly ends-

News reporter:"A real life alien of the future being or an attempt for fame?" -The female fox says-

News reporter:"We have Caroline on scene live with the witness himself!" -She says leaning over the desk-

-The screen switches to a live video feed of a cheetah-

Live reporter:"Yes Tabby this thing really has gotten the attention of the people of city nightmore!, we have here Darren connelly!" -She says standing beside the wolf-

Darren:"Well ya I was just sitting there eating my food!, next thing boom a portal opens up spitting out an alien man!" -The young wolf says clearly over excited-

Darren:"The thing picked up what seems like a gun and took off running its unlike anything I've ever seen!" -He says before the reporter steps away-

Live reporter:"Back to you Tabby!" -She says with a smile-

News anchor:"It has to be fake!, this is the thing of fantasy we're talking about" -The male lion chuckles out-

-A smile spreads over the fox's face-

News reporter:"Police rushed to the scene to find no traces on the creature before government officials took over the case" -The news reporter continues-

News reporter:"We'll keep you updated, Channel 7-" -She says straightening her papers before the holograph turns off-

-I stand up only to receive a audio call-

-Letting out a sigh I answer-

???:"Did you see the news..." -A deep voice calls through-

???:"I did..., Aliens huh?" -I ask sheepishly-

???:"I think you know why I'm calling...." -The voice replies-

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