chapter 5.

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I looked at the bed. There was a pile of clothes on the bed and a set of towels.

Harry must've placed them here. I wiped my eyes and grabbed everything. I thanked god for whatever he did to afford an in-room bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I placed everything on the counter and looked in the mirror. The bruises were horrible. I looked around the room and saw the clock in the mirror.


I was late. I was late for my first day. I turned the shower on and stepped in. It was hot. The water ran over my bruises that started to sting. I sat down on the floor of the tub and started to cry. I pushed my curly hair back and started to cry. I saw red streaks running with the water and into the drain. I knew I was bleeding again.

I cried until I couldn't anymore. I took some soap and washed up. I tried to scrub my skin but my bruises were sore. I heard a noise and a door shut. I froze. I quickly tried to rinse as much soap off my body as I could before turning the water off and stepping out.

I opened the door with my towel and robe on. There stood a tall, model-shaped woman in high heels in front of the bed. She was rummaging through bags. She turned around with a smile on her face.


I didn't speak. I looked toward the door.

"Where's Harry?"

"He had to go to work. He sent me here to help you get ready"

"I'm sorry?"

"Truthfully" she started to walk toward me

I moved backward

"Okay" she held her hands up, "I'm just here to cover the bruises"

I looked down.

"I'm not judging you" she spoke softly, "I went through it with my ex-husband"


"Its okay I'm here to help"

I nodded and let her come near me to look at the damage

"Sit on the bed" she instructed.

I did as I was told. She dabbed lightly and did as much as she could.

"Okay, done" she told me

I walked into the bathroom and looked. You couldn't see anything on my face or neck.

"I brought you clothes and I'm here to take you home as well"

"It's okay. I can take a cab"

"But Mr. Styles was adamant on me making sure you got home"

"I...I guess" I told her

I returned to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it before putting on the clean clothes he had left for me. When I was finished she was sitting on the bed with her head in her blackberry.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded. We walked through the house. I didn't remember walking up these stairs. Liam or Harry must've carried me up the stairs. She opened the door and I followed her out. She had a key. She must be his wife. She locked the door and we walked to her car. Her car was all black. It was a nice BMW.

She started the car and we sat there in silence. She turned and stared at me.

"Can you give me your address?"

"Oh right sure" I told her my address before she pulled out of the driveway

"Thank you" I told her as I stood outside of the car, "What's your nam-"

"You're welcome and it's Veronica" she smiled

I walked to my door and turned around. She wasn't leaving yet. I guess he was serious about seeing me get home safely.

"Fuck" I mumbled remembering everything was in Louis's house, which meant he had my keys, wallet and address.

Fear shot through my body like a bullet. I remembered I stashed a spare key under my succulent pot. I picked up the pot and grabbed the key.

I needed my locks changed immediately. I opened the door and waved to her as she was driving off. I went inside and stopped immediately. I closed the door behind me. Everything was broken.

He had been here.

He was in my apartment.

I tried not to panic but I couldn't.

I was shaking.

There was shattered glass everywhere. I inhaled slowly and made my way to the bedroom. I had to get ready for work or I was going to be fired. I had no money. I needed this job. I quickly threw on a sweater and pencil skirt and heels.

I need to suck it up. I needed to get my shit together. I had no time to cry.

I took a cab to a car rental place and decided to use my emergency credit card just so I could get to work. I looked at my paperwork and tried to find the firm on my own. I ended up being another twenty minutes late but I found the place.

I pushed the glass doors open and rushed into the lobby.

"Hello may I help you?" the receptionist asked

"Hi I'm Pia Jackson. I'm the new paralegal"

She looked at her computer screen and then back at me.

"Great! You're a little late but you will be reporting to the legal department, lawyers etcetera and they're down the hall"

"Thank you so much"

"No problem" she smiled

I jogged down the hall until I came to another receptionist.

"Hi, I'm Pia"

"Did I hear the name Pia?" I heard someone shout

I turned around to see Veronica.

"Pia, I'm glad you could make it"

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I work for Mr. Styles. And you're apparently his new paralegal that he's been looking for" she smiled

I stared at her for a moment before my eyes drifted behind her and I saw him. My stomach dropped. My folder did as well. Veronica knelt down to retrieve it for me leaving me in clear view of him. I ducked down and joined her but I knew it was too late. I heard someone's feet.

"Penny...or should I say Pia" I looked at his shoes and slowly up at him.

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