Trying To Get To Heaven Before They Close The Door

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"You're everything to me" Tyler says kissing my cheek

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"You're everything to me" Tyler says kissing my cheek. I smile up at him and lay on his legs. His bruises were almost completely healed. His neck brace was off and I stand up. "I gotta go love" I say and Tyler pulls me down and kisses me full of love. "Please stay" he says and I giggle. "I know I wish I could" I say and kiss him one more time. 

"You'll be here tomorrow though right?" I laugh and grab my coat. "Of course I will" I say and walk out the door. I walk towards my bike and begin to pedal towards the big New Years Party. I have to go to this party or Nate is gonna be suspicious of something going on with me. I pull up to the party and park my bike. 

I could hear the blasting music from the outside. I walk into the party and look around for anyone I know. I walk towards the bar and pour myself a drink making sure my brother isn't near to stop me from pouring the drink. "Louie!" I hear my name called and I turn to see Lexi. She has a concerned expression on her face. "Have you seen Cassie?" she asks looking down at he phone every couple of seconds. 

"No I haven't I'm sure she's around her somewhere though, you want me to help find her?" I asks and Lexi nods. "I'll take this half of the house you take the other" Lexi orders and I walk around my eyes browsing for Cassie. "Jules!" I say catching the young girls attention. I can't help but look at her a little different after seeing the tape. 

"Hey Louie!" she says hugging me. I hug her back awkwardly. Jules and I weren't necessarily the closest of friends. "Have you seen Cassie?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Okay I'll see you later then!" I say and walk away. I begin to walk down different halls and walk to the end. I open a door and a guy is snorting something off the washer machine. He sees me and quickly leans back acting like he wasn't just snorting drugs. "Woah" he says as he looks at me suggestively. I roll my eyes. 

"Sorry" I say and quickly shut the door. "What the fuck" I whisper to myself and begin to go down other hallways. I then see Maddy banging on a door. "Hey Maddy" I say walking over to her. "Lou, how are you?" she says giving me a quick hug. "I'm fine, what about you, why are you banging on the door?" I asks and Maddy takes a deep breath. "Its the bathroom and I have to fucking pee and Nate's taking a shit in there" Maddy says and I laugh. 

"I think I saw another bathroom over there!" I say and her face lightens up. "Good thank God" she says and walks away. "Nate are you in there?" I ask and I feel the door knob turn and Nate's face appears and he walks away. "Thought you should know I'm here and safe" I scream after him however he walks away. 

I walk into the bathroom and shut the door. I pee quickly and then wash my hands. I have always gone through peoples bathroom everywhere I go so I begin to go through the medicine cabinet and then the drawers. I then walk over to the shower and pull the curtain open. I look down to see a girl laying on the floor passed out. 

"Are you okay?" I asks shaking the girl. The girl turns and I'm face to face with Cassie. "What the fuck?" I say stepping back and then it clicks. Something clearly has happened between her and Nate. "Louie you can't tell anyone please." she begs and cries. "Cassie what is wrong with you?" I whisper yell at her. "I don't know, but Maddy can not know please don't tell anyone!" Cassie says and I roll my eyes and then I smack her. It wasn't a hard slap of course but it caught her off guard. 

"Why did you do that?" she asks in shock. "You said if you were ever to sleep with your best friends ex boyfriend that I should slap you!" I say and help Cassie up. "fair enough" she says and I roll my eyes. 

"So you won't tell Maddy?" she asks once again. I roll my eyes at her one more time. "No I won't but she's gonna find out" I warn and Cassie begins to shake. "Why are you acting like you didn't just get yourself into this situation?" I say and she puts her head into my shoulder crying loudly. "Clean yourself up and lets go" I say and she nods and I walk out of the bathroom. 

I look over and I lock eyes with Nate. I then quickly walk towards him and he tries to walk away. "Nate, stop!" I say and he turns around. "What?" he says angrily. "She's one of my really good friends and that should end now" I say pointing towards the bathroom. "Shut up Louie" Nate says stepping up to me. I slowly take a step back. 

McKay then walks over to us. "Louie how you doing?" he asks giving me a high-five and I awkwardly slap his hand. "Yo you fuck her?" Nate asks throwing McKay off and making me uncomfortable. "Nah, man we just had a conversation" Mckay says. 

"You tryin' tell me you took her in that room and didn't dick her down?" Nate says and I look weirdly at him. Why the hell was he acting so weird? "Nah I didn't" Mckay answers taking another sip of his drink. "Come on tell me the truth" Nate says slapping Mckay's shoulders. "Thats the truth, I took her in the room and we had a conversation" Mckay says and I nod along. 

"Are you trying to tell me you don't miss those titties?" Nate says and Mckay begins to laugh and I give them both a disgusted look. "Come on bro!" McKay says laughing. "I knew it, I knew it, you dirty motherfucker, you dirty motherfucker, you where a condom?" Nate gets really close to Mckay's face. "Nate back off, quit being so fuckin' weird!" I say but Nate continues. 

"Brah where'd you come?" Nate says and I then walk away disgusted with my brother. I walk around the party trying to see anyone I know. I then meet eyes with Kat and her boyfriend. I walk over and give her a small hug. "Hey Louie!" she says and I smile. "Hey Kat, hey..." I stop thinking of her boyfriends name. "Eric?" I asks and he laughs. "It's Ethan" he says and I nod. "Sorry about that!" I say. 

I talk with Kat and her boyfriend for a few minutes. I then hear people begin to count down and I look around and a boy looks over at me. It was the boy snorting something earlier. "Can I?" he asks and I nod. We kiss as midnight hits and I pull away rather quickly. "Elliot" he says reaching out his hand. "Louie" I say with a smile. "I'm gonna call you Lou" he says and I nod and then I hear a loud scream from across the room. 

I turn my head and look towards the commotion. Nate was being brutally beaten by Fez. I quickly rush over and and see Cassie and Maddy trying to pry Fez off of Nate. Cassie looks up at me. "Do something Louie!" she yells and I look down at my brother and let Fez hit a few more times. "Okay enough!" I say and push Fez off of Nate. 

How did we like this chapter? I can't wait to write next chapter it's gonna be so fun! This season has been so good!

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