Shock Ones pt II

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Trigger warning ⚠️ 

This Chapter contains descriptions of sexual assault, Drug use, and Rape. 

"Louie get the beans in the car now!" I hear my father scream and I quickly grab all of the canned beans and put it in the car. The annual Chili cookoff Is happening once again this year at the fair. I am usually excited for the competition but I can't help but feel awkward with my father. Since dinner my dad has been rude to me when we're alone but very nice to me around my mother. The family loads up in the car together and I sit in the backseat in-between my brothers. 

"Aaron you already smell like alcohol this early" Nate says disgusted. "Gotta do something to take my mind off another one of these shitty competitions" Aaron says causing me to laugh. "See Louie is the only person in this family who thinks I'm funny" Aaron says and I laugh again. "You are funny" I say and Aaron smiles proud of himself that at least one of his family members like him. 

"I think this competition is the best thing to happen to our family!" my mom says in the passenger seat. "We can all share the victory once again when our family wins because we have won every single year without fail." my dad says pointing his finger indicating we are number 1. If I'm being honest I fucking hate chili it taste like literal shit to me. The chili my dad makes taste even worst to me. 

We get to the carnival early to set up the tent. The tent is the classic carnival tent look. It has the red and white stripes on each wall. It's small and the four of us set up each table where people will surround our booth tonight to eat the "best chili in California" which is what my dad calls our chili. 

I use to enjoy the chili cookoff when I was younger. I would be so proud of my dad and my three sorry two brothers would be smiling widely. Now it's come to the pointy where I dread this night every year. Thats the thing some good memories can be easily turned bad but the bad memories can never be turned good so everyone tries to think of the good memories but when the good memories aren't enough we start to remember the bad ones. 

"Is Maddy coming?" I ask Nate as he and I set up a table. "Yeah she's coming" Nate answers. Nate's answers are never expanded past three words. "Is she gonna be in the booth with us as a family?" I ask and Nate just shrugs. I turn away and see Aaron drinking out of a flask. I snap my fingers and look over at my parents who aren't looking. Aaron hands me the flask with a laugh and I take a swig of it before handing it quickly back to a laughing Aaron. 

The carnival begins to fill and I start pouring more and more chili for our customers. "All profits go towards the football team even though they don't need anymore money and it should be going towards the band who can't afford any music" I say handing a cup of chili to an old couple. The grandma gives me an irritated look and then I say a quick "Fuck Off" and she goes wide eyed and smacks me across the face. 

"Louie!" I hear my mother yell at me and she walks over and quickly apologizes to the elderly couple. "Behave" she says pointing her finger at me. Nate is long gone looking for Maddy. He returns very angry and annoyed. "What happened?" I ask sitting on the ground next to Aaron. "She was dressed like a slut" Nate says. "I'm sure she looked hot" I say sighing and then grabbing the flask and taking another sip. 

I then get a text. 

Duke: Meet me by the pretzel stand... 😩👅💦🍆🍑

I look at the text confused. My first thought is that he's drunk which I can't blame him because it's the carnival. I get up and tell my mom I'm going to the pretzel stand. She hands me a twenty and I leave the awful booth. I walk towards the pretzel stand and I see Duke standing there. He waves at me and picks me up and spins me when I reach him. 

"Yo you guys are hella cute" I hear a voice and I look over and it's the guy who owns the gas station in town. "Thanks" I say quietly looking down from the guy. I remember his name being something a little weird. "Fez can we have one more pretzel?" Duke asks and then I remember his name being Fez. "Of course Ash go" Fez says and Duke hands him a twenty. A little boy with facial tattoos comes back and hands me a pretzel. 

Duke grabs it out of my hands and throws the pretzel on the ground. He hands me a small pill. I look down at it in confusion. "It's Molly" Duke says widening his eyes. He was clearly high now and I look down at the pill. I had never been high before. "How do I take it?" I ask Duke who then takes out a pill bottle and popping one in his mouth. "Are you supposed to mix that?" I ask him and Duke laughs. "I don't know" He says and I grab the bottle. I read the label. 

Duke Hastings


Take one time per day

I give him back the bottle and then I snort the Molly up my nose. "It burns" I say looking up towards the sky. "It's okay" Duke says and then he drags me near the trailers. "What are you doing?" I ask and Duke pushes me up towards the trailer and begins to pull my pants down. "Stop" I say pushing his hands away. I was feeling the Molly now but I still didn't want to have sex especially at such a busy place like the carnival. 

Duke continues to pull my pants down and I pushing him away again. "Duke really stop I don't want to" I say and Duke still doesn't listen. My pants are completely down and Duke unzips his pants and thrust into me without warning. "DUKE STOP" I scream out in pain and I push him as hard as I could until he falls on the ground and lays there for a moment. "You're a dick!" I say still in immense pain and walk away from the trailers. 

I feel myself beginning to tear up and I walk quickly back to the carnival stand. "Hey Jules" I say as Jules leaves the stand. I really don't know if she even knows me. "Hey Louie" she says walking back to Rue. I get into the booth and sit down. I clear my tears and sit down again next too Aaron. "You okay Bro?" Aaron asks and I laugh "yeah I'm good." I think the only reason why I'm not having a complete mental break down right now is because of the Molly I just took. 

Within a couple minutes our booth is again declared best Chili. My dad is extremely happy and so is my mom. The three of us really don't care. The crowd claps and then it begins to fade except for one person clapping. I catch Maddy's eye and she seems extremely angry. 

"Yeah I'm not supposed to be her right now because I'm dressed like a hooker and none of you like me, but I just wanted to say Congratulations." Maddy says. Nate tries to stop her but the huge pot of chili is pushed over. "What in God's name is your problem?" my mother yells angrily. "You cunt" she says and I can't help but crack a smile. Nate angrily grabs Maddy's arm and takes her away. 

"What a horrible human being, if Nate thinks that we want that being apart of our family he is completely wrong!" my mother says as we scoop up the chili. I hold in my laughter. Not many people can stand up to the Jacobs family but it was amazing seeing Maddy do it. I gained a new respect for her. 

"Shut the door" my mom says to me and I shut it quickly and then run up the stairs. I close the room to my door and go quickly to my bathroom. I go and grab toilet paper and wipe and I look down and see blood on the paper. I feel sick to my stomach and then I quickly get up and into the shower. A lot more blood appears in the water. After a few minutes though the water runs clear. 

I get out and get into sweatpants and a sweatshirt and hide under my covers. I begin to cry. With each minute passing it feels like I'm crying harder and harder. 

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter... Or didn't. 

Let me know if you're liking the story so far? 

Thank you for reading!

Louie Jacobs // EuphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now