'03 Bonnie and Clyde

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Granted after the carnival things got pretty fucking weird

"Louis Jacobs please come down to the principals office with all of your things" I hear over the announcements. I look at Lela and she quickly whispers "What did you do?" I shrug unsure of what I did. I think back to the carnival as I walk down the hallway. Duke flashes through my head and I quickly realize what if someone saw us and me struggling. Duke would be totally thrown in jail or put on death row because of me. My stomach begins to twist and turn and I make a quick pitstop in the bathroom and begin to vomit into the toilet. 

I walk out of the stall and I look to see my father also vomiting in the stall next to me. "What the hell are you doing here dad?" I ask confused. He looks at me and doesn't answer he simply pulls me into the hallway and I then see two police officers and my mother. "What the fuck is happening?" I ask and the police officer looks at my dad "You okay mr. Jacobs?" and my dad brushes him off and then all three of us are escorted to the office. 

I'm separated from my parents and taken into what looks like a conference room. A female police officer closes the door behind me and sits down at the chair across from me. "Can someone please tell me what is happening?" I ask and the officer begins. "Can you describe what your brothers relationship is like with Maddy Perez?" she asks and takes out a notebook. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I wanna know if they're relationship is healthy from someone who Nate claims to be very close with" the officer says and I take a deep breath. 

"Umm well it's basically like any other high school relationship, they fight and then they fuck really loudly, and then they fight again, umm, There's been a couple of pregnancy scares and I usually have to be in the room when Maddy's taking the test because Nate is so pissed at Maddy but Maddy wants someone in the room while she finds out if she's positive or negative, it's a really weird relationship." I rant on and the police officer rights down everything I say. 

"Can you describe to me what happened at the carnival between them?" the officer asks. "Well my family always participates in the chili cookoff and this year Nate invited Maddy but I guess he said she 'looked like she was dressed as a hooker' and so Maddy got mad and called my mom a cunt and flipped over the chili pot and then Nate dragged her away" I say and the officer continues writing down everything I say. 

"We're you in your families booth the whole night?" I think back to when I left and I begin to shake. I woke up this morning in pain. "Umm, for most of the night yes" I say gulping and then taking a breath in. "Where were you when you left, for that amount of the time you weren't there" I quickly think back to what I told my mom and I go blank for a moment. Then the words come back to me. "I went to get a pretzel" I say and the officer nods and thankfully doesn't go to much more in detail. 

"Have you seen Nate and Maddy ever become physical with one another?" the officer asks and I think for a moment. "I mean they have kinda aggressive sex from what I hear" 

Duke Hastings: Louie please lets talk im so sorry

Duke Hastings: Answer me 

Duke Hastings: louie please 

Duke Hastings: Please answer me 

Duke Hastings: Meet me at the gas station so we can talk this out.

5 missed calls from Duke Hastings 

Do I go or do I not go? I can't get the whole situation out of my head. The pain that I feel physically isn't even as the bad as I feel emotionally. Physical pain always heals quicker than emotional. Emotional pain is a continuation until a certain amount of time passes where you can build enough memories to block out the painful ones. However the painful ones are always stuck in the back of your mind no matter how strong the happy memories are. 

Louie Jacobs: Fine meet me at three at the gas station.

Maybe this will help me through the situation and help me move past this and not look back on it negatively. I quickly hop on my bike due to Nate having to leave early my mom brought it to ride home. I pedal down the street towards the gas station. I park my bike and then walk into the gas station. I see Fezco sitting on the front desk. I walk over and put some candy down. It was the nerds clusters. "I love these" Fez says as he scans the bag. "I know they're addictive aren't they!" I say and Fez laughs. "Heaven when you get the ones that are clumped together" Fez says and I laugh. "Agreed" I say with a laugh. I then hear the door click and Duke is standing there. His face was almost completely healed except for a small bruise under his eye. 

"Hey" he says and walks over and hugs me tightly. "Hi" I say quietly and Duke pulls away. "Can we talk outside?" he says and I look towards Fez I think he can see the fear in my eyes. "Yeah of course" I say and we walk out the doors. We go around to the side of the building. "Louie I'm sooo sorry" Duke says and I can see he's slurring on his words again. "are you high again?" I say and Duke laughs. "Well when you have Molly you get like super depressed when it like runs out so I smoked a lil bit of pot and drank just a couple beers" Duke says and I roll my eyes. 

"This wasn't how you were a couple weeks ago." I say and Duke throws his hands up. "I just am under a ton of stress with football." Duke says and I want to gag at his words. "What you did was fucked up!" I say raising my voice slightly. "Lets be a lil real we both know that the guys of the football team say you like it rough and I gave it to you rough and you didn't like it" he says and I tighten my jaw. "You aren't making any sense." I say calming myself down. 

Duke then does something unexpected. He pins me up against the wall giving me deja vu from last night. He begins to pull down my pants and I struggle against him pushing him away. I feel a strong force knocking Duke down. I pull my pants up and I see Fezco on top of Duke punching the shit out of him. 

I don't break it up for ten seconds making sure Duke get what he deserves. "Okay Fez enough" I say pushing Fez off. Duke sits there holding his nose. "Don't be doing any of that rapey shit around me" Fez yells and Duke gets up and walks away quickly. "We're done!" I yell to him and Duke sticks up his middle finger. 

"Thank you" I say towards Fez and Fez nods his head. 

"You want my Nerds?" I ask handing him the bag of nerds clusters. "Yeah" Fez says taking the bag and walking away. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Give me your thoughts and comments I wanna hear all of them. Also we are almost at 300 reads with only 5 chapters out!

Louie Jacobs // EuphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now