Chapter 1, part 1

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Hinata was asleep and woke up in a dark room he almost forgot where he was when he remembered he was in the basement chained to the wall. He then started to ache all over and even threw up in the corner next to him suddenly feeling sick just from the thought of why he was down there. He hated himself for throwing up but he didn't have much of a choice. He tried to wipe his mouth with his hand but they were handcuffed to a leg of a table both of his hands were. "Ugh" He groaned. (Note) should I put this in first person or third person please let me know if I should change it either way that would be helpful) 😊

His eyes adjusted to the dark since he had perfect night vision as everything was green to him at night and he had no problem seeing in pure darkness. Which one he is great full for.
A few minutes later while he was getting himself together and with his good hearing he heard keys jingling on the basement door signaling that one of his parents is coming to get him. There was blinding light when the door opened making him close his eyes for a good minute or so before opening them again to see that it was his father who came down the stairs and he had his devilish smile on his face.
🚨warning🚨 " Good morning you piece of shit!" His father growled out making Hinata flinch. "Good morning Sir." Hinata greeted back because he knew if he didn't he would get hit.
His father got closer to him holding up the keys on his finger tips teasingly. His father had the same orange flaming hair as Hinata and he was tall and muscular in build. "Get up and get ready for school I don't want to see you or hear from you until it's over." His father said as he grabbed his wrists to unlock him from the handcuffs. Hinata rubbed his wrists and he knew that the cuffs were going to leave very dark bruises because of how long he has to wear them for.
"Yes sir." Hinata replied and quickly stood up but got a little dizzy. He ran a little upstairs and rushed to his room to get fresh clothes and after he got his clothes he rushed into the shower to do his morning routine. He was hoping to make it to morning practice at school.

(Time skip)

Hinata made it to school he made it to the gym and swung the doors open. "I'm sorry I'm late!" Hinata apologized trying to catch his breathe. "Welcome to practice Hinata. Please hurry and get changed and come back out we are about to do our warm up for practice." Daichi explained rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Okay, and sorry again!" Hinata apologized once more and raced to the locker room.
Hinata made it to his locker and sat down on the bench in front of his locker. He had tears in his eyes as he got undressed to change into his uniform he let his tail and cat ears out to relax a bit since it sometimes hurts really bad if he has to keep them in for so long.


Once he took off his clothes to change into his uniform if someone could see his body they would probably throw up at the sight of it and start to cry because his body had so many scars and bruises almost leaving no spot untouched except for some parts that are visible. His parents didn't want others to get suspicious so they only hurt him on the spots that people won't always see and if they did hurt him in visible spots Hinata would just lie and say that he accidentally fell or hurt himself because he was clumsy and they usually believe him but some always give him a suspicious look in their eyes most of the time but don't question him about it which was nice and all because Hinata wasn't always comfortable with a lot of questions. He also was covered and littered in whip lashes some were fresh and some were old, he had fresh ones from the night before because he didn't make dinner on time so 30 whip lashes was his punishment the night before. Hinata finally finished changing and headed out to the gym slightly limping since his body was still sore from the night before.
"Shoyou!" Tanaka and Nishinoya screamed towards Hinata with smiles on their faces. Hinata flinched a little bit nobody could tell or think anything of it at the time because most of them were too oblivious. "Hey guys, sorry I'm late today I over slept and my alarm did not go off." Hinata lied. "Again Hinata? Isn't that the fifth time this week? Are you getting enough sleep what are you doing at night?" Daichi asked with a concerned tone. Hinata laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck. "Oh I was working on a lot of homework that I had to catch up on that is all. And my parents didn't want me to go to bed until I had it completed." He lied again.
Note: // means thoughts
(Warning/ hateful thoughts)
/ stupid Hinata making your teammates wait for you you're so ungrateful./ "alright Hinata just make sure you get as much rest as you can and to make sure you take care of yourself." Daichi explained. "Yes Captain." Hinata replied. "Alright everyone get into positions and start your warmups we are going to be doing three on three practice matches today." Daichi explained. "Hai!" Everyone yelled and started to do their warmups.
( time skip) (sorry for so many time skips 😅)
The first practice match was Hinata, Kageyama, and Tsukishima against Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Asahi. To say Hinata was a bit nervous was an understatement but he was able to get over the nerves since he was excited to feel the stinging pain the volleyball gives him. After a few back and forth a Hinata called out to Kageyama to do their quick attack. "Kageyama toss to me!" Hinata yelled happily putting on his mask that people see him as the sunshine he is.  Kageyama tosses to him and Hinata runs with his speed that he has and jumps and slams the ball as hard as he could and it lands on the other side of the net earning his team a point. "Yes!" He shouts happily as he lands on his feet totally like a cat does. "Great job Hinata!" Tanaka yells even though he is on the opposing team. "Thanks Tanaka!" Hinata yells back.
     After practice Hinata was hesitant to change in front of the team as they were all on their with him. So he sat on the bench waiting for everyone to go finish changing. "Hey Hinata are you okay? Why aren't you changing?" Sugamama asked with a worried tone in his voice. "Oh I don't want to talk about that is that okay? Sorry." He suddenly said in response to Sugas question. He noticed Suga eye him suspiciously.
  "Okay Hinata sorry for asking." Suga apologized. "It's okay Suga." Hinata said giving him his wide smile that he usually gives them. Making Suga's heart flutter.
    (Time skip)

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