Chapter 3,

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Note: the title picture is also one of the forms of Hianata.

(Kageyamas pov)

After everything that happened it was time to go home so I walked alone I didn't want to talk to Hinata after what happened. I was also kind of happy for him at the same time. He is a Neko Prince now while I am part of their enemies. I'm not actually human either I'm a Vampire Prince too our families must hate each other. Now I feel like something more is going to happen between us I just don't know what and it's driving me crazy. I made it home a few minutes later since my house wasn't that far away from home. My thoughts becoming darker and I needed to do something to keep my mind off it. I walked inside and greeted my parents with a grunt and stormed off upstairs and into my bathroom looking for one of my prized possession.
🚨 trigger warning🚨

I opened my medicine cabinet and drew out my blade I know I can't die so I don't have to have any worry about cutting to much or in the wrong spot on on a vein since I come back to life anyways. I've tried killing myself tons of times but only to come back due to my immortality.
I craved to die most of the time and since I can't this is one of the methods I use. I just love the feeling and I know I shouldn't but for me it feels like I have to.
I raised the shiny blade to my wrists and just started to slash my wrists my black blood seeping fast down my wrist. Dang I hit the vein but I didn't care at the time and kept on slashing until I had about 30 cuts on each arm, after that and feeling satisfied I cleaned my cuts and wrapped them up. I also got undressed to get in the hot shower which always felt nice and calming after I cut myself.
🚨trigger warning over🚨

After I got out of the shower I wrapped the towel around my waist and since my bedroom was connected to my bathroom I just walked into my room. I undid the towel so I was fully nude while I searched for my pajamas in my dresser and once I did that I got my stuff gathered for school tomorrow and hopped into bed. I was too tired to hunt tonight so I just went to bed without any blood for dinner.

(Sugas pov)

I was sitting on my couch cuddling with Daichi while watching a movie when all of the sudden my mom instincts kick in as I felt something bad happen to one of my babies. I didn't know what so I started to freak out a little biting my nails in nervousness.
Daichi seemed to notice this and so he paused the movie we were watching and sat the remote back down. He turned towards me with a worried look on his face. "Babe? Are you alright?" He asked me. I shook my head. "I don't know my mom instincts kick in and I think something bad happened to one of my baby crows." I explained. Daichi only chuckled a little and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about babe. I'm sure whoever it is they're fine and you're just overreacting." He assured me. I sighed a little knowing he was probably right. "You're right babe. Sorry." I said. He smiled at me and leaned in to kiss me gently on the lips while I kissed back. "It's okay babe you're the mother of the team it's your job to worry." He assured me again.
I smiled feeling a little better and thought to myself that I will ask my baby crows tomorrow how they're all doing.

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